[b]Name[/b]: Marsala [b]Age[/b]: 23 [b]Species[/b]: Quasit [b]Height/Weight[/b]: 5’2”/ 142# [b]Sex/Gender[/b]: AFAB/ NB (they/them) [b]Appearance[/b]: [hider=Marsala][img]https://cdn.picrew.me/shareImg/org/202407/1649970_uN38qIDE.png[/img][/hider]They are fairly pale, bit too wide of a mouth, and a bit too lifeless of eye. [color=B4BC24]Yellow green eye[/color] that lacks the glint of a normal eye. They have [color=831313]deep red hair [/color] with a [color=0B7980]deep teal streak [/color] on the left that curls into “wings” at the ends. They typically keep it cut to about shoulder length, but it curls up no matter the length. Many mouths, all of them with teeth sharp enough to cut. Besides the mouth where a mouth should be, they have a mouth in place of their right eye that they keep an eyepatch over to attempt to pass as more numam. The other mouths are in the small of their back, behind their left knee, and over their sternum. They wear baggy clothes to keep from getting fabric in their many mouths and because it keeps filth further away from their skin. They wear gloves and masks when in large groups of people (10+). [b]Personality[/b]: They are a major germophobe and panic whenever filth touches their skin (although they try to control they’re outward emotions, they fail most of the time). They grew up eating mostly bland foods because their “parents” had damaged tastebuds and never cared to spend chips on something they couldn’t taste anyways. Now they have an intense interest in different foods and are willing to risk life and limb to find new and interesting recipes to try. Marsala has a hard time understanding what creates a relationship between people and other creatures, but has a deep seated desire to be near them and attempt to forge these connections. This often leads to them finding themselves in awkward situations where the others find them either overbearing or too distant. Being a medic has allowed them a closeness to people without much issue (people tend to get a little chatty when they know you’re going to be opening them up and helping them) and, as such, they have managed to learn how to better navigate social situations (they still suck at it though). During their time as a medic, they have come to learn about multiple different types of anatomy and have heard many stories from their clientele. Some of these included talk about the extinct or near-extinct animals having been used as pets in the far past. With a desire for companionship, they set out to find the animals (dead or alive) and find ways to keep them as pets and new friends for their pet rat, Alfredo. [b]What Are You Looking For?[/b]: Old text logs of the anatomy of different creatures and recipes. [b]Capabilities[/b]: Medic, Hand-Hand (focusing on getting hits in and aiming for pressure points), and Blood Magic. [b]Magic Form(s)[/b]: Blood Magic [list]Basic Kinesis ability: [i]That Doesn’t Taste Right[/i] Marsala is able to induce minor poisons through the blood they infected. [list]Magic Stain: [i]I Can Bleed Too[/i] Marsala’s wounds tend to reopen from time to time even after being almost completely healed. [/list] First Spell: [i]I Thought You Said You Wouldn’t Leave[/i] Marsala is able to necromatize the small dead creatures and control it similar to a puppet. These creatures cannot think, move, breathe, or feel. [list]Magic Stain: [i]I Can Empathize[/i] Marsala’s poisons tend to affect themselves once they have ended on their intended target. [/list] [/list][img][/img]