[center][color=darkgray][b][sub]E P I S O D E SIX : R E F L E C T I O N S [/sub][/b][/color][b][color=bf2628][sup][h1]DIRTY BUSINESS[/h1][/sup][/color][/b][/center][center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzBx8TWcrG4]SOUNDTRACK[/url][/center] [center][img]https://i.ibb.co/Vp8XKTr/Bayou-Bartholomew.png[/img][/center] [COLOR=bf2628][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]T H E E V E R G L A D E S[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][sup][color=darkgray]September 17[sup]th[/sup], 2021 | 15:30pm. | Everglades National Park, Florida [/color][/sup][/INDENT][/INDENT] The team had split but they were far from divided. Inside the base, Iceburn, Quiver, Rain, and Mirage were attempting to find the chemical compound being put to use at this location. Outside of the base, Stormcaller, Zatara, Nymph, and Talos drew the attention of the enemy that attacked with firearms, hi-tech weaponry, and metahuman abilities. One group was faced with the stress of facing the majority of the forces stationed at the facility, while the other was faced with the stress of trying to locate the objective as soon as possible. If one group failed, the other was doomed, though this was not unknown to them. Those outside fought against their foes with tenacity while the others within were swift and decisive against the obstacles against them. [i][b]Outside[/b][/i] Much was happening. A sudden thunderstorm, magic blobs, and flying metahumans. With Vincent’s attention going from one enemy to another, Daphne was left to face the woman who had the ability to send the ominous gravitational orbs. It was good that he had thrown a spear into the first one she generated, as it had grabbed Daphne’s attention. She had been busy attempting to incapacitate henchmen to notice previously. However, when Vincent had thrown the spear, the metahuman woman’s giant green orb pulled the projectile into itself. Daphne still could not understand what this ability was but she knew that she couldn’t get too close to it. Perhaps she could try what Vincent was previously attempting to do before he was hit with the bolas. Daphne decided to continue using her petal form to pacify the henchmen but in reality, she was maneuvering closer and closer to the woman using her ability to expand the green orb. The green orb seemed to have a new target now, climbing into the air while continuing to expand. Meanwhile, a more direct confrontation was occurring as Vincent flew toward the metahuman floating above. The bearded metahuman briefly had his attention on Cora’s display in the sky but couldn’t just ignore the person flying at him. The man chuckled to himself as he found his response to Vincent’s charge rather humorous. First, he pointed at Vincent, and then with same finger, he pointed downward. Vincent would feel an invisible force pulling him down toward the mud. At the same time, the man with the multicolored electricity took advantage of Vincent going after his associate and quickly intercepted Zatara’s path. The blonde guy squared up on Zach for half a second before attempting to do him in like Houdini, firing a swift gut punch while still wearing his charm smirk. If hit, Zach wouldn’t feel more pain than he’d expected. The punch wasn’t all that painful despite how the guy threw it… Instead, Zach would begin to strongly experience the feeling of doubt. [i][b]Inside[/b][/i] With the four guards swiftly taken out, the infiltration group was presented with the opportunity to enter the garage area. The option of doubling back to go deeper into the facility was also available, though it did not appear to be necessary. If the group decided to enter the doors to the garage, they’d find themselves faced with a quickly alert guard force of up to half a dozen men. The guards are equipped with the hi-tech weapons the team experienced at the bank. If the team chose to travel deeper into the facility instead of the garage, they would experience traversing long narrow hallways lined with a few empty office spaces before coming across a large dim-lit windowless room that appeared to be empty. However, a keen eye could make out the figures hugging the room’s shadows. Make your choice.