[hider="Benjamin" Lee Wen Fong][hr][center][img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/a3d02ee9-9026-451c-b618-7e2c241844c6/dhooi0o-13200d80-b08c-4cd1-9bc4-e90ba46227ff.jpg/v1/fill/w_894,h_894,q_70,strp/dashing_asian_male_with_striking_blue_eyes_by_rchen58_dhooi0o-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTI4MCIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2EzZDAyZWU5LTkwMjYtNDUxYy1iNjE4LTdlMmMyNDE4NDRjNlwvZGhvb2kwby0xMzIwMGQ4MC1iMDhjLTRjZDEtOWJjNC1lOTBiYTQ2MjI3ZmYuanBnIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTEyODAifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.A17neTbZzE3_ihxSIFOT3vxqIa4GHYsXhMMELBGWmAg[/img][/center] [center][color=ffce00][h1][b]Bastion[/b][/h1][/color] [b][color=ffce00]"Are you going to finish that?"[/color][/b][/center] [color=ffce00][B][ NAME ][/B][/color] [color=Turquoise][INDENT]"Benjamin' Lee Wen Fong[/INDENT][/color] [color=ffce00][B][ HERO IDENTITY ][/B][/color] [color=Turquoise][INDENT]Bastion[/INDENT][/color] [color=ffce00][B][ NICKNAME/ALIAS ][/B][/color] [color=Turquoise][INDENT]Ben, Benji, Shield[/INDENT][/color] [color=ffce00][B][ AGE ][/B][/color] [color=Turquoise][INDENT]28[/INDENT][/color] [color=ffce00][B][ GENDER ][/B][/color] [color=Turquoise][INDENT]Male[/INDENT][/color] [color=ffce00][B][ AFFILIATION ][/B][/color] [color=Turquoise][INDENT]H.E.R.O.[/INDENT][/color] [color=ffce00][B][ APPEARANCE ][/B][/color] [color=Turquoise][INDENT]He is the definition of the meme of wanting a man in finance, 6'5". Blue Eyes. Not so much as a trust fund, though. Sorry ladies. Otherwise, he is of fairly athletic build as he strives to one day out-bench Director Powers. Maybe when Hugo dies.[/INDENT][/color] [color=ffce00][B][ PERSONALITY TRAITS ][/B][/color] [color=Turquoise][INDENT]Jovial, caring, charismatic [/INDENT][/color] [color=ffce00][B][ BIO ][/B][/color] [color=Turquoise][INDENT]Benjamin was born to a migrant family that immigrated from Asia in the late 1940s to the United States. Of course, as with most Asian families at that time, they had decided to settle along the West coast and that is where his family had settled. The story of his family took the typical route. Everyone worked hard, saved money, and told their children to go to school in order to not have to work as hard. Fast forward to the current day. Benjamin, himself a graduate of the prestigious Castleburg University, is doing pretty good for himself. He works, of course, in the financial sector, at one of the big Wall Street banks. Him, and his family by extension, discovered his powers around the time he was 10 years old. Through the decent amount of wealth his family has amassed through the generations, they were able to commission a pair of special bracelets that allows for Benjamin to better control his powers. While not working his normal 9 to 5, he works as agent for H.E.R.O., taking part in missions in whatever capacity the Director assigns him to. Otherwise, as charismatic as he is, he tries to stay out of the limelight, preferring to not be the center of attention if at all possible. [/INDENT][/color] [color=ffce00][b]| MISCELLANEOUS |[/b][/color] [color=Turquoise][indent]Benji likes to hang out at the headquarters, when not working his normal 9 to 5 or going on an assignment. Also. He likes to drive fast, having purchased a rather gaudy sports car with his first big-boy bonus at work. Also, Director Powers, when are we going to have another bench-off?[/indent][/color] [/hider] [hider=Abilities] [color=Ffce00][B][ RANKING ][/B][/color] [color=Turquoise][INDENT] Δ (Delta Class)[/INDENT][/color] [color=ffce00][B][ POWERS ][/B][/color] [color=Turquoise][INDENT]Kinetic Field Manipulation/Projection[/INDENT][/color] [color=ffce00][B][ PHYSICAL STRENGTH ][/B][/color] ■■■■□□□□□□ -He is quite fit, but not to a level of a power-lifter in terms of pure physical strength [color=ffce00][B][ AGILITY ][/B][/color] ■■■■□□□□□□ -He is quite fit, and he trains to stay loose and nimble on his feet [color=ffce00][B][ INTELLIGENCE ][/B][/color] ■■■■■□□□□□ -Having graduated near the top of his class at the prestigious Castelburg University, he is of above average intelligence [color=ffce00][B][ DESTRUCTIVENESS ][/B][/color] ■■■■□□□□□□ At his current understanding of his powers -At his current understanding of his powers, he knows that he can be a shield to protect others. He hasn't quite thought of applying his powers into destroying items or other life forms. Currently, he is able to create a dome, centered around himself, measuring about the radius of four adult humans of average size standing abreast each other and at a height of about 8 feet. This dome is considered impenetrable by conventional small arms fire, up to 5.56x45mm NATO cartridges. With the aid of his bracelets, he can manipulation the shape and size of this 'dome' to suit his needs at the time. ■■■■■■■■□□ At maximum output of his powers, currently untenable -Theoretically speaking, Benjamin can focus the area of his power down to a pinpoint, and realistically anywhere in between a beam the width of his body, thus increasing it's hardness and density, and fire it like a projectile or beam, allowing him much more offensive/destructive power. At his current mentality and application of his powers, the most he can do is cover his limbs like a sort of armor, to allow himself some enhanced fighting capabilities. [color=ffce00][B][ LETHALITY ][/B][/color] ■■■□□□□□□□ At his current application of his powers -Benjamin does not view his powers as something that contains much lethality, as his mentality is to save and protect, and not harm. HE is given a rating of three here simply because yes, it is still a superpower, and thus more lethal than a baseline human would be. ■■■■■■■□□□ At maximum output of his powers, currently untenable -If/when Benjamin starts to apply his powers with lethal intent, he can cause severe harm to others. With the previous example of focusing the area of effect of his power to a 'beam', he can cause major concussive damage and severe trauma to organic life forms and major structural damage to inorganic items should they be struck by him. As he further focus and refine his powers, he allows himself finer control over how wide he projects his powers. As the area of effect shrinks, the density of it has an inverse relationship. [color=ffce00][B][ ENDURANCE ][/B][/color] ■■■■■■■■□□ [color=ffce00][B][ STAMINA ][/B][/color] ■■■■■■■□□□ [color=ffce00][B][ EFFICACY ][/B][/color] ■■■■■□□□□□ -While suitable for defensive applications, his 'shield' is not impervious to damage. Ongoing strikes against it will weaken it, nor does it last forever. At current, he is not mobile with his power activated in its 'dome' form. However, he can be mobile when he activates his powers with smaller areas of effect, allowing him to manipulate the shape of his 'shield' to suit his need. Also, it does require him to concentrate his mind in order to control his powers. Of course, this becomes significantly easier with the aid of his bracelets. That is not to say he cannot use his powers without them. It is just that he is more effective with them on. [color=ffce00][B][ SURVEILLANCE LEVEL ][/B][/color] ■■□□□□□□□□ [color=ffce00][B][ SKILLS ][/B][/color] [color=Turquoise][INDENT]Driving, financial analysis, cooking[/INDENT][/color] [color=ffce00][B][ EQUIPMENT ][/B][/color] [color=Turquoise][INDENT]A pair of pure silver bracelets with his family crest and two small sapphires encrusted on them. These bracelets are enhanced to allow for Benjamin to have precise control of his powers. The exact method as to how that is achieved is unknown. To note, without the bracelets, Benjamin can still use his powers, though with less control and thus potentially more mishaps.[/INDENT][/color][/hider]