[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/eproxy-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240704/e43aee08cd194015f311dff3f479de39.png[/img][/url][/center] [hr] [color=AC42BF] "Yeah. The beta on that is off the charts, look at that shit. It's just fucking jumping up and down like a child hopped up on pure caffeine. Why the fuck would you get in on that? You told me you wanted to play it safer? Like. This is literally not it, man. Look. If you absolutely want to get in on this shitshow, I'll execute the order for you. As it is required of me. But, it is also required of me to to advise you to act in a prudent manner. Yeah I get the price is low right now. But, it simply doesn't fit your risk tol- Ok fine. A hundred thousand dollars market order on Doge Coin. Done. You should see it reflect on your profile in about 10 minutes. Yeah. Have a good weekend Joe." [/color] Benji takes off his bluetooth headset and sighs. Why are people just fucking idiots that want to get rich quick? Why did they spend three hours pouring over risk tolerance, portfolio construction, investment suitability, allocation and all that shit, just to see a meme stock that has a sliver of a chance to make a decent return? Ah fuck it, Benji thought. It's their money. These shit meme stocks are precisely targeted at schmucks like this anyways. Ooooo a potential to turn a ten dollar investment into a thousand, over night! Fuck off with all that. There is risk, and then there is idiocy. This, most certainly, is the latter. A message pings on his screen. Benji idly looks over, and clicks open the message... [i][color=00aeef]"Hey, want to go get some food or a coffee at the caff?[/color][/i] It was from his assistant, Jeanie. An up and comer in the financial field herself, Jeanie is positioned to launch herself to stardom, but as with everyone else in the field, she needs to pay her dues. Benji paid his, grabbing coffee and dry cleanings and fulfilling other mundane tasks for a couple of years fresh out of school and now here he is, corner office, plush furnishings, and a client list full of people like Joe. [i][color=AC42BF]"Ah, I have a few more clients to call. Can you just bring me a bottle of water from the fridge? I also have some paperwork I'd like you to help me send down. Thanks, you're the best~"[/color][/i] Benji replies before turning his attention to his call list for the day. Denise. This call should be fun. She reached out to Jeanie and said she wanted some advice on retirement planning. This is the fun shit he gets to do because the clients is going to have money to play with, and the planning conversation should be structured around what the client wants to do and accomplish in their retirement. All Benji has to do is lay out the plan, and make sure the client has enough money to carry them through. These rich fucks always have monumental aspirations anyways. All he has to do is to gas them up, and put together a plan that will make sure they can take their quarterly trip to Martha's Vineyard or wherever the fuck. [color=ac42bf] "Yeah, definitely. The plan I've put together is actually on the conservative side of things, as if the market is going to slide back a bit. But, given what it's doing right now, we're sitting real pretty. Yeah. Oh yeah? Alaska this year? That'll be real interesting! No, I haven't been myself. Oh no I couldn't impose like that haha. No Denise, I'm sure Dennis wouldn't want me there to sour the mood with all the money talk haha. Yeah no. Hey did you guys end up getting that boat? Yeah, Dennis was real excited about it. Oh I'm glad. The weather has been so nice lately. Oh you've already taken it for a spin around Savior Island? Thats cool! Yeah...'[/color] Benji was deep in conversation with Denise when Jeanie popped in. Benji gave her a quick way. As Jeanie set down the chilled bottle of water, Benji pointed at a small folder of documents and mouthed Thank You to her as she retrieve the documents and exited the office. At the same time, Benji's holo-watch pinged softly with a quick message. Benji did his best to listen to the message and Denise on the other side of his phone at the same time... [color=ac42bf] "Ok, yeah. Right. Ok. Yup. I'll have my assistant Jeanie email you guys the current plan, including all the adjustments we made today. Look it over. If it looks all good, go ahead and e-sign it, and send it back and we will put it in place. Yeah. If there is anything that isn't aligning, notate it, shoot the message back but don't sign it. Yup. Ok. Yeah. It was good talking with you Denise. Yup. Have a good weekend!" [/color] Benji took off his headset again, finalized the plan changes and sent it over to Jeanie for her to forwards it to Denise and her husband Dennis. Turning his attention back to the holo-message, Benji brought the wristwatch closer to his lips and replied [color=ac42bf] "Bastion. En route. I'll do my best to skirt around the parade haha."[/color] Stepping out of his office with the bottle of water in hand, Benji said to Jeanie [color=ac42bf] "Hey, go ahead and forward that plan doc to Denise. That's all I got for you for the day. You're free to go. Go enjoy your weekend, enjoy the parade. I'm out~ I'll see you Monday. Ciao~" [/color] Benji skipped off, taking the very corporate elevator down to the parking garage and hopped in his car, starting it to life with a satisfying low roar. Adjusting his blazer, Benji puts the gaudy sports car into gear and drove off, heading towards the convention center.