My fantasies aught to be smoochy, lewd, perverted, so we’ll have those in Private Messaging. If you want them platonic that’s cool with me we’ll then take it to the 1X1 Forums. Fandoms are always platonic. But can be comedic, or parodied. I only RP Male characters. OC's arent necessary just preferred. Leave me a message here if you're wanting *thumbs-chest* an acknowledgement. [hider=1X1 FANDOMS] 1] Avatar: The Last Airbender. 2] Hot Wheels. 3] Naruto. 4] NeoPets. You gotta know though they ain't Human sized. They're Animal sized and Faeries are tiny. 5] One Piece. 6] Pokemon: Kanto|Johto|Hoenne League. All Leagues in Pokemon happen the same year. I'm not on some master quest but Pokemon is still lyfe. 7] Sword Art Online. 8] The Venture Bros..[/hider] [hider=1X1 FANTASIES] 1] A Boy Scout with a Lady Consular|Huntress Single Mom|Pool Lifeguard Boss|Woman Soldier. 2] A Crusade. 3] An Air Force|Army|Naval Mission. 4] Coincidentally lost at opposite sides of a Jungle. 5] Forsakened left behind at a Friend’s House, or entered prior to playing there, then interacted becoming the Mother|Sister’s Toyboy. 6] Landing on a Dinosaur Planet to terraform with guns. 7] Lord of the Rings. Here there used to be witches used to alter man that then mutated creatures into monsters, unlike man that could make beasts. . . Is the only explination of how theres just goblins, right? 8] Mercenary and the Cheerleader. 9] Paintball|BB|Laser Adversaries. 10 SkateBoarding. 11] Space Mercenary vs Space Pirate. 12] S.W.A.T 13] Thieves Guild. 14] Tommy Guns vs Quidditch Brooms. The real mob reason they know to call us "muggles". 15] We're going to capture Humanoids(Tanukis, Elves, Pixies, whatever) in medieval fantasies or futureal science fiction ways. 16] We saw a DC|MARVEL Hero|Heroine randomly. Then became our own Hero|Heroine because it was an awakening. 17] We've wandered into a Poacher Rustle - in various climates if we don't roll the dice, so to speak, about this one to like it. [/hider] To First-Person Genders; I try to clarify Genders courtiously But I prefer to be talking to a Gal not a Guy, so I'm a First-Person Role Player Gamer not a First-Person Role-Player Player; I dont specify Gender clarification to respect my self for "Female" to be a Word - I know First-Person is the Noblement of Sex first not Indirection. That's why you may see me spelling words halfhazardly. I'm not a evangilist, alchemist, or savage - "smut" isnt real to me. I valued becoming a Party Animal rather than deflect “Vanguard” to settle as a millennial gypsy before it became Ball Room stuff more maturely in Elementary; for Ethics I didnt do underage stuff to provoke resentment, fake role-playing as culture "roleplaying", and Outside the Slice of Life will be easier if you're not a magical type, but it's whatever I dont do magic, but am willing to let People satiable it for smut-thoughts to feel more passionate in our roleplays. Dark and evil will get you rudiculed, even in OOC. I stole to self-teach adeptness to purge paragon gossips about me, to inevitably regard being Polish rather than believe in anarchy when republican would reassert itself as virtue whence I began to do the one thing that actually goes “adult”: comprehend where my maturity is lingering at a JOB I’m working for solidarity not experience. So pursued naturalism from memories regaining Soulmate prospects. To First-Person Gal’s: I’m not a Bandit. “Fellow” I used to appreciate saying instead of “Boy”, never being one to like “Boyfriend” being an [i]advancement[/i] equal of Boy Scout just for them to realize Ward is not Vassal. My Signature is said to Myself. Since this is in English know that Outlaw is solo, and doesnt mean “Killer” because of some U.S.A. slang absent of unweighed C-Class B-Gradients (my High School Transcripts are mainly Special Education B-Class stuff but unweighed I’m a single Credit out of it as a C+++.) thug enforcing that … [i]conservation, conversement?, some context here[/i]. I say that with barbaric compassion though. Vsing Beefcakes taking a Damsel to exotic areas thinking I a Wild Animal type am a feign isnt adventurous for Her till I make that place a Date for us, possibly to ‘slay’ that petty crucible. To First-Person Guy’s: Englishly speaking, you’re in this order: a vagrant, adventurer, swashbuckler if raiding, tool not ruffian, highwayman if marauding. ONLY BECAUSE I dont Guild My Country’s Dueling doings. So, I dont pay you to be in my Warrior Party. Now there’s no Aristocracy to my Roleplays, here, just the Ball: I color orientate my character in the Roleplayer Guild dark green ([color=007236]). The thoughts will be as peach ([color=fdc68a]), and as for speaking I'll be using the basic White lettering given of the Roleplayer Guild. I'm a Casual Roleplayer, not interested in Advanced because my World-Building, whilst percepted as open-source, is private journaling. I play in Freeform, Jump-In types, and it does its duty in teaching me to GM Casual Roleplays. Not saying I'm a Prefect one-liner Man, though, but I do have the time to post daily. And as long as you are not a Demonic-Role-Player you can type as crude as you do, it's a form of Casual Style Texting.