[color=007236][centre][h2]Berserker[/h2][/centre][/color] Saber pulled away before Hang could grab his sword, then drew his own weapon and deflected his blade. Not too surprising, stopping his attack was a feat that Berserker would have expected from any Servant known for using a sword, but this deflection did more than just divert his blade; it redirected the force of his swing in such a way as to leave him off balance when the counter attack came and though the sword slid across his skin harmlessly, it demonstrated a severe amount of precision on Saber’s part. Precise or not, no sword could harm him while he held the Taming Sari and Berserker charged heedlessly towards his opponent even as he prepared another swing. A short chant and a swing at nothing sent a rush of wind towards him. From behind him his Master sent lightning of his own to partially counteract the building storm. Berserker charged through, letting the wind buffet his body that tore at his clothes and his skin, the slight injuries not bothering him in the least. Shou said something about territory that barely pierced the red veil descending over Hang Jebat’s vision. Closing the distance between them, Berserker swung at Saver again with a heavy overhead strike and prepared to follow up with a roundhouse kick when the strike with blocked or side-stepped. [@Randomguy][@Iamme]