[quote=@Blizz] [hider=Mire] [center][hr][hr][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/16f7925f-03d7-4981-928f-29df03a6a2d3.png[/img] [color=#88FF00][h1][b]MIRE[/b][/h1][/color] [b][color=#88FF00]"I helped build the Earth you depend on today, before it was green. You think I have something to prove?"[/color][/b][/center][hr][hr] [color=#88FF00][B][ NAME ][/B][/color] [color=Turquoise][INDENT]Subject LMA-93593 "Undergrowth Dweller"[/INDENT][/color] [color=#88FF00][B][ HERO IDENTITY ][/B][/color] [color=Turquoise][INDENT]Mire[/INDENT][/color] [color=#88FF00][B][ NICKNAME/ALIAS ][/B][/color] [color=Turquoise][INDENT]Freak, Mushy, Shroomer, etc.[/INDENT][/color] [color=#88FF00][B][ AGE ][/B][/color] [color=Turquoise][INDENT]Unquantifiable[/INDENT][/color] [color=#88FF00][B][ GENDER ][/B][/color] [color=Turquoise][INDENT]N/A, they/them[/INDENT][/color] [color=#88FF00][B][ AFFILIATION ][/B][/color] [color=Turquoise][INDENT]HERO, full time[/INDENT][/color] [color=#88FF00][B][ APPEARANCE ][/B][/color] [color=Turquoise][INDENT]Mire is not a human being in any way. They are a Leftover, an amalgamation of biology given superpowers by the meteor that spawned them. They were once a network of mundane, uninteresting fungi scattered across a forest, which has coalesced into something vaguely resembling a mockery of the human form. Mire's "bones" are extremely dense mycelical structures that formed around dead trees. Extra material came together to form legs and limbs, but Mire is ultimately a walking incarnation of the role that fungus has on earth. Dozens of molds, mushrooms and other forms of fungus just out from their body like battle scars, blooming and withering eternally. They stand at roughly four feet tall, and atop Mire's "skull" is a huge hymenophore, or the "cap" of a mushroom. Four gaunt limbs jut out from their torso, which seem to constantly be changing shape. They would look beautiful if they didn't appear to be rotting. [/INDENT][/color] [color=#88FF00][B][ PERSONALITY TRAITS ][/B][/color] [color=#88FF00][list] [*]Fearless: Fear is a human emotion, and Mire doesn't have an amygdala telling them to preserve their wellbeing. They have a habit of brazenly disregarding the threat something poses to themself, as is self-preservation is something they can't understand. [*]Bitter: Mire isn't a very pleasant hero to be around, and it's easy to see why. Over 90% of their kind are murdered for existing, and while they understand why, they absolutely hate it when people look at them and expect that HERO is just debating whether or not to euthanize them. They're used to being sneered at, and it taught them to not be very empathetic. Humans don't like them, why shouldn't the feeling be mutual? [*]Thoughtful: Mire displays an odd ability to connect with people and understand what they're going through that should be scientifically impossible for an entity without a brain. Whether it's just Mire mimicking human nature, or the fact that Mire has a genuine personality is unknown, since they refuse to allow a HERO psychologist to study them. But there [i]is[/i] some kindness under that prickly exterior. [*]Terrifying: When you're a mass of millions of different fungi acting as one in the vague shape of a person, you tend to give off a scary vibe. Mire has found that they're naturally gifted at scaring people straight, which isn't the ideal trait in a hero, but it definitely makes villains think twice. [*]Distant: For obvious reasons, Mire has a hard time making friends. Most people don't want to be friends with a fungus monster, so they're a bit on the lonely side, not prone to being the center of attention when a party happens, or during a big gathering. [/list][/color] [color=#88FF00][B][ BIO ][/B][/color] [color=Turquoise][INDENT]When the X-200 meteor broke apart in the planet's atmosphere, it changed more than just human beings. It changed animals and plants. It made them monsters beneath the awareness of a human being, and above the feral nature of something like a starving animal. One of these monsters rose up from the largest organism on Earth, a colony of fungus found beneath the soil of Oregon, said to be as old as over eight thousand years by some scientists. The fungus was nourished by the particles that flaked off of X-200, stirred to evolve and mutate past its biological programming. No one had the faintest idea this was happening for well over two centuries, since the growth was slow. But overtime, the colony grew aware of itself, its surroundings and what it was. Things below the ground which humans walked picked up little things like the sounds of footsteps one day, and then the mushrooms growing in the forests of Oregon began to [i]listen[/i] to things. Roughly one century ago, the colony began to writhe and shape into things that it had seen, as if it had been watching humanity for the last few hundred years. It evolved the ability to think on the level of humans, and thus a creature of hyphae and mycellium sprouted from the dirt. It grew legs, it grew arms, and like wet clay, it reformed itself over and over again to match what it had witnessed throughout the state of Oregon. This creature did not have a name, it did not truly understand why it existed or what to do with itself, and so it simply wandered the forests. Everywhere it went, it heard a hundred billion voices echoing through the tall trees, among the undergrowth of dead and decaying matter. Mold on rocks, mushrooms growing from dead wood, it all spoke through the walking colony, and it came to understand things about humanity through this. The creature spied on humans from the edge of its forest, watching them through the mushrooms and the mold that they overlooked. No one knows just how long it did this for, but the fact that it picked up human speech is a clear indicator that it is old. In the dead of night, sometimes the colony would sneak into a nearby town and leave behind figments of its body to hear the whispers of humanity, and understand what was going on in the world. Through this, it learned of events happening in the world, that "heroes" fought "villains," and made the world a better place. To exist as it had was a strange thing, it wasn't [i]meant[/i] to exist in this world. But for years, it lived in that forest like a ghost, going from one end of a forest to the other, listening to the world. But eventually, the Leftover actually [i]encountered[/i] humans. Superheroes dressed in their bright costumes intruded on its domain, tracked it to a pit of mold that it had taken to call home. They tried to speak with it, and for the first time in the last century, it spoke [i]back.[/i] The words just made sense to it, having watched others use them for so long. They said they meant it no harm, and it told them it wanted to be left alone, but the heroes insisted on taking it from its home. It said no, over and over again, and then they used force. One of them trapped it in a bubble of energy, another lifted it into the sky and they began to soar over its home. They took it somewhere made not of soil and rocks, but of steel and plastic. There, it stayed for months, where people calling themselves scientists tried to reason with it. They took to calling the Leftover "Mire," and managed to have conversations with it. Of course, Mire was prickly from the moment they trapped it, so these conversations didn't last long, even if they [i]were[/i] coherent enough to mistake them for a human. Some of the scientists got brave enough to enter the chamber with Mire. The first ones were reasonable and just sat with them. They gave Mire books that they [i]somehow[/i] managed to read, which baffled and intrigued everyone. But then they started talking about running tests on Mire. They mentioned examining the cells of its body, to try and understand why it was so intelligent. Mire refused, and they pressed, eventually coming in with hazmat suits to take samples by force. Four of the five researchers who attempted this were hospitalized, the fifth transferred to a different department out of fear. No one managed to get anything from the incident, and it was determined that Mire only attacked them out of self-preservation. They didn't [i]trust[/i] humans, even if they were sentient like one. Who could blame them? They were taken from their home, and prodded at with instruments nonstop. Eventually, someone at ICOSA decided that Mire was too unique to simply let loose, so they sent diplomats and experts to speak with Mire in person. They were told, in no uncertain terms, that the only way they'd leave that containment cell was if they used their gifts for the benefit of others. If a human had been impressed into service like that, someone would've faced charges on a national level. But Mire wasn't human, and didn't enjoy the same rights as humans. But they were smart enough to understand that steel and plastic wasn't pleasant. So they relented, and let themself be enslaved. Mire was transferred to New York, where HERO could monitor their new heroic career in an environment that put them at a disadvantage. After all, Castleburg wasn't known for its lush woods and untamed wilderness.[/INDENT][/color] [color=#88FF00][b]| MISCELLANEOUS |[/b][/color] [color=Turquoise][indent]Any details you would like the Director to see.[/indent][/color] [/hider] [hider=Abilities] [color=#88FF00][B][ RANKING ][/B][/color] [color=Turquoise][INDENT]Leftover[/INDENT][/color] [color=#88FF00][B][ Fungal Incarnation ][/B][/color] [color=88FF00][INDENT]Mire is the walking embodiment of the fungus kingdom. Their body is composed of literal thousands of molds and mushrooms that have never occurred naturally on the planet. They are a colony without beginning or end, never truly done forming. This has many benefits that make them extremely unusual. As a Leftover, their powers are unlike anything a superhuman can demonstrate. They are capable of shapeshifting, reforming limbs and the general shape of their body into whatever state it needs to be in order to navigate terrain or get their new "job" done. The upper limit of this seems to be completely liquifying their body into a thick sludge of fungus and enzymes. Undying Kingdom: Being composed of mycellium, Mire is also capable of extreme regeneration. If an arm is cut off, or if they are set on fire, they only need to consume organic matter to regain what they lost. This can be anything from food to a villain's arm. Their consciousness exists in every individual strand of hyphae that they are made of. As long as a single piece of it exists, even if it's only a few atoms thick, then Mire is not dead. One with the Colony: Due to Mire's nature as an infinite colony of fungus, they can rapidly grow entire mushrooms from their body. These mushrooms vary in their exact type, and it is unclear if they are even remotely edible, but Mire could grow them by spreading spores in secretive areas such as a back alley or in a villain's lair. Mire is connected to fungus that isn't directly apart of their body, like a hivemind. This is mostly benign in a city like Castleburg, but it means they can grow patches of mushrooms in an area and keep a constant eye on things that happen, as the mushrooms would "hear" what is going on, in much the same way they learned all they know of humanity. Cycle of Life: Many mushroom species rely on enzymes to break down dead things for consumption. Mire can secrete a similar, slurry-like substance that resembles chunky glue, to melt any form of matter they need. It acts similar to acid, able to eat through bricks and rocks like normal fungus turning stone into soil. The only known way of neutralizing this substance is either having Mire soak it up, or soak it with water. [/INDENT][/color] [color=Turquoise][INDENT]For the below-listed rankings, please rank yourself using the colored and uncolored boxes on a scale of 0-10, with a 2 corresponding to what an average, non-powered human can put out, and provide a brief explanation for the reasoning of said ranking. See "Power Rankings" hider below for more guidance.[/INDENT][/color] [color=#88FF00][B][ PHYSICAL STRENGTH ][/B][/color] ■■■■■□□□□□ Mire's body is composed up incredibly dense mycellium that could eat bullets from most guns. They are by no means a Superman analogue, but they are definitely sturdier than most heroes. [color=#88FF00][B][ AGILITY ][/B][/color] ■■■□□□□□□□ Mushrooms don't move, so much as [i]grow,[/i] and this means that Mire is not very fast. Most heroes can outrun them, even without flight or teleportation. They're slow, build like a fleshy, spore-laced brick. [color=#88FF00][B][ INTELLIGENCE ][/B][/color] ■■■□□□□□□□ Mankind forgets, but the oldest kingdom of life remembers. Mire is a one-in-a-million case of a Leftover that isn't only somewhat benign, but actually [i]sentient,[/i] and capable of human speech. They are on par with a particularly smart human being, who might be good at strategy games or research. [color=#88FF00][B][ DESTRUCTIVENESS ][/B][/color] ■■■□□□□□□□ They could smash things with their fleshy limbs, and crash through a brick wall with enough force, but Mire's destructive capabilities don't include summoning mushroom monsters to ransack a city... As far as they know. [color=#88FF00][B][ LETHALITY ][/B][/color] ■■■■■□□□□□ All it would take is one wrong move, and that villain in Mire's face is getting slapped with a fist covered in enzymes. And then, their villain friends would watch their skin melt off like hot butter, before they scream in agony as their muscles and organs go next. On a rainy day, or against someone in thicker armor, Mire isn't [i]that[/i] fatal to go up against, but it's still not pleasant. [color=#88FF00][B][ ENDURANCE ][/B][/color] ■■■■■■■■■■ Mire is a monster, in every possible way the word can be used. Explosives that could take out a city block would be needed to scour the battlefield of their presence. And even then, there's a good chance a stray bit of hyphae flaked off of them on their way [i]to[/i] the fight. Mold is an infestation, mushrooms will sprout whether you want them to or not. You cannot eradicate fungus, you can only keep it at bay for so long. [color=#88FF00][B][ STAMINA ][/B][/color] ■■■■■□□□□□ Mire doesn't get tired in the way humans do. They don't need to breathe, they don't have muscles. But enough exertion could result in their hyphae structures growing frail and frayed, like a rope under friction. Eventually, they would need a break, but most people wouldn't last long enough to see it. [color=#88FF00][B][ EFFICACY ][/B][/color] ■■■■■□□□□□ Mire’s powers do not line up with the traditional standard of superhuman abilities. Most superhumans have to learn how their powers work, and discover themselves in the process. But Mire’s “powers” are an extension of what they are. Meaning they don’t have to discover much of anything, rather than do it. This is only a five out of ten because ICOSA knows very little about Mire, due to their cagey attitude towards researchers. [color=#88FF00][B][ SURVEILLANCE LEVEL ][/B][/color] ■■■■■■■□□□ Mire has shown a capacity for reason and restraint, on par with humans. A month long effort to spy on them from a distance showed that they only observe humans out of curiosity, rather than malice. And they never asked to be a hero in the first place, so it is no secret that Mire at least has an inclination to leave humans be. But with that in mind, they are an absurd statistical anomaly, an exception to a centuries old rule that their kind is to be shot on sight. Their very existence means that many people in ICOSA want to study Mire, and find out what makes them tick. Unfortunately, ICOSA has learned what can happen if Mire is forced into that situation, meaning their powers are not yet fully known either. For these reasons, HERO has been advised to find a way to make Mire “warm up” to them, and convince the Leftover to trust them enough for study. They are to be watched closely, not necessarily because they are dangerous, but because of what the world might be able to learn from them if their new life as a hero is a success. [color=#88FF00][B][ SKILLS ][/B][/color] [color=88FF00][INDENT]Gardening: Surprise, the fungus monster knows a thing or two about plants. Stealth: Mire is used to going undetected, dissolving into the ground to avoid being spotted by humans and making absolutely no noise. They are more comfortable with it, anyway.[/INDENT][/color] [color=#88FF00][B][ EQUIPMENT ][/B][/color] [color=88FF00][INDENT]N/A[/INDENT][/color] [/hider] [/quote] Very spooky, but very cool too! Certainly the most unique character on the roster. Checked. (Sorry forgot to post this LOL)