[center][h3]??? — Smithy[/h3][/center] Chaos quickly broke out as the undead closed in upon the three closest to them; though their swings were unfocused for what might have been the bodies of soldiers in the past, they had enough weight and [i]heft[/i] behind them to threaten injury if they struck true. Though they had lashed out in some vague sense of coordination, the first to counterattack was also the next to be dispatched; the blow to the neck that Sora had delivered might have found similar success to the first undead they had found within the inn's cellar, had he not followed up with a more meaningfully [i]decisive[/i] decapitation in turn. The dried flesh of the corpse gave way to the blade quite easily, but parting it from it's owner's body was a bit more of a struggle—no thanks in part to the remnants of what had been some leather beneath. It would take some work, but thankfully the initial blow had rendered it prone enough to hack through with a bit of effort. At the same time, though, the undead began to shift around to accommodate the loss of one of their number—or, well, those among their number that could still move after Bianca had knocked one out of the fight and dispatched a second in turn. One of the remainder took Sora's attempt at a decisive blow towards another as an opportunity to strike, but such an action was met in kind with Bianca's own defense—and with it, another somewhat gruesome resolution. There were still a pair of undead remaining, but given how one of them was simply out of the fight at the moment only one remained a threat in the heat of the moment. [@VitaVitaAR][@RolePlayerRoxas][@Aku the Samurai][@SilverPaw] [hr][center][h3]??? — ??? Forest[/h3][/center] Regardless of what the group would choose to do with the metal bird's tail feather, the choice to return to the cave seemed to be one set in stone. With the cliff face to guide them back, the trio would find the path to be the exactly as it had been when they had first walked it. Beyond the sun beginning to cross slowly into the distance, though, it seemed as if nothing had really changed since they had left. The only difference now, maybe, was that the path leading to and from the cave seemed a bit more precarious than before; given where it was positioned, though, maybe this location wasn't the [i]safest[/i] one to use in the long term. How to proceed from there, however, was still up in the air. [@Thunder999999][@Crimson Paladin][@Expendable]