[center][h1][color=orange]Crane[/color][/h1] Savior Island[/center] [hr] The island was small, most people would say. Dominated by a single building. But to Crane, it was one of the most spacious places in the city. She had quickly decided Savior Island was her favorite place. It was quiet, with lots of fresh air and open space to walk around. This was particularly pertinent because like most people would say the island is small, most people would say that Crane is big. Crane, or, Ting Feng to her friends, is about thirty three feet tall, give or take. Very muscular. Wearing a simple costume. Her bare feet, thankfully, aren't big enough to squish someone. She walks in such a way that she'll most likely shove or lift someone with her toes, first, if she somehow doesn't notice them. But Ting Feng's eyes are always on the ground when she is walking. Very deliberate, she'll often take a single step forward and then pause for several seconds, taking in the scenery. Much like her namesake, there is a slow, methodical grace about her. Nothing she does is careless, or even automatic. But instead of frustration, there is peace. Like she has all the time in the world. ...Well, maybe it's a little annoying, sometimes. But not here on this island, where she can be free to take long strides, almost like she was back home in the countryside. Today was a big day. She hasn't been in Castleburg for very long. She's been eager to get to know the people in the city, to really make it her home, but before she could do that she just had to get acclimated. To that end, she has decided to attend a seminar given by the assistant director. It was about time she stopped enjoying her alone time and get moving. While Emily may have felt like she was being watched, it wasn't difficult to know when Ting Feng was approaching. Her footsteps were surprisingly quiet, though, as she tread very lightly. At the very least, there weren't any vibrations to give her away. She caught the tail end of the previously ongoing conversation. [color=orange]"Ah, hello. Ms. Assistant Director, yes?"[/color] Then she looked to Dahlia, Gemetria, and Mire, waving her hand to them. As she did, she lowered herself to the floor, sitting on her legs. She set said hand on her chest. [color=orange]"I am Ting Feng. My hero name is Crane. You may have seen me around, yes?"[/color] She smiled. She looked back to the Director. [color=orange]"I know I am not one of the graduates from hero school. But, I am still honored to be a new recruit. I have always wanted to go to the biggest city, even if in some ways, it can feel very small."[/color] She glanced over to the metropolis across the water. [color=orange]"So many people in such a little place. I hope it never sinks."[/color] She mused, touching her finger to her chin. [color=orange]"...Anyway, that is a silly thought. I am here to learn! I have many ideas, too, but I do not know if they will work."[/color]