[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjYwLmY0OWFjMi5RMmhzYjJVZ1VtOTBhSE5qYUdsc1pBLjA/agenda-king.regular.webp[/img] __________________________________________________[/center] [color=silver][right][sub][img]https://img.pokemondb.net/sprites/sword-shield/icon/snubbull.png[/img] Abandoned Stellar Toy Co. Factory [@Rune_Alchemist], [@XxFellsingxX], [@Crusader Lord], [@Savo][/sub][/right] Snuggles always seemed to get faster than normal whenever she was looking for trouble — but so did Chloe when trying to keep her from finding it, so the two evened out in the end. Passing by Magnemite made Chloe shiver from the memory of what happened with the last one they encountered, but she did [i]not [/i]let that slow her down. Chloe reached the ajar door in record time, yanking it open and stepping inside without a second thought. She wasn't sure what she expected to find; a big fat Raticate, maybe? But it sure wasn't... well, um, [i]nothing?[/i] Apart from a bunch of boxes and forgotten toys, there didn't seem to be anything around. And yet there Snuggles was, still barking, still fired up. The blonde approached carefully, trying to make out any sort of movement in the darkness around her. She didn't like this.[color=f49ac2] "Snuggie-poo, come on, let's get ba- [i]kiyah?![/i]"[/color] Chloe jumped towards her Pokémon out of startled reflex as a box toppled over, spilling its contents all over the floor. Snuggles barely avoided being hit, now snarling on her hind legs. Heart still racing, Chloe's gaze trailed down at what had come at them, and... oh gosh?! Those were [i]such [/i]cute plushies, like? Pikachu was one of her [i]faves![/i] With a squeal, Chloe squatted down to both pet her partner and pick up one of the plushies, holding it to her chest like a precious childhood memory. Hm. Were they like... supposed to have red eyes? She was pretty sure that wasn't a common Pikachu feature. Weird. Was that like a defect or something? Was that why they were stored away and not sold? ... Aaanyways! Wow, there were so [i]many[/i], and they were sooo squishy, and technically no one would miss them if she just like... took a few? Right? Jill appeared in the doorway just then, and Chloe lifted her hand from the Snubbull in order to wave at and beckon her over.[color=f49ac2] "Jill! Jill, come [i]look[/i], we found plushies! Take one! Do you think Clarissa would like one too? Oh— hey, speaking of!"[/color] It was then that she spotted the girl in question behind Jill, also approaching. Chloe smiled. They like, [i]really [/i]didn't have to go out of their way to come after her, but— the fact that they [i]did[/i], even though they were in a hurry and stuff? SO sweet. Feeling elated by both the discovery and her new friends, Chloe started to wonder whether she should give Jill an extra plushie to give to Yuu, too, though she wasn't sure whether he'd appreciate it. Definitely not if she was the one to give it. Snuggles, clearly sensing the foreboding atmosphere her trainer did not, kept on barking, bearing her teeth at everything in sight; the shelves, the plushies, the fallen box now half-shrouded in shadow. She only stopped for long enough to finally stick her nose in the air in order to track down whatever it was she was smelling, before it got the drop on them. Because at this rate, with her trainer preoccupied and busily distracting the others too, it [i]would.[/i] [/color]