[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240626/3afd0ff6c945a1a139cc6764b09dedfc.png[/img][/center] [quote][sub][color=lightgreen] Johnstone Convention Center. New Athens, Castleburg. Status: Talking with other heroes. Interacts: Terra & Oracle [@shylarah], Ardent [@ManyThings], Wireframe [@Silver Carrot], Wiseman [@Blizz], Director Hugo Powers [/color][/sub][/quote] [indent][indent]The small group were soon joined by two other heroes, both of whom Jake was vaguely familiar with, both from his time at the Academy and from his time at HERO. Austin, A.K.A. Wiseman, was some type of super-nerd with some really cool-looking get-up and tech, along with the sick eyepatch. The other was Madison, A.K.A...the Human Slinky? Jake vaguely remembered being in the Academy with her a while back, but hadn't really interacted with her much since she had joined HERO. This was a good opportunity to get to know the two of them better, though, and perhaps forge a stronger working relationship. Jake was a big fan of gizmos and gadgets, and an even bigger fan of blonde Californian women. The hero gave the two newcomers his trademark grin and wink, before re-directing his attention to the conversation at hand. Ardent had suggested that if Powers didn't show in five, they leave. [color=lightgreen]"Deal. I got stuff to do, anyway,"[/color] Jake said, looking down at his watch. But it was no sooner had Jake checked the time that the man of the hour, Director Hugo Powers, appeared out of a side door at the convention. The man, who was generally adorned in his comfy military-looking garb, looked quite uncomfortable. He was wearing a black tuxedo, though it seemed that whoever had done the Director's tailoring might have gotten the size [i]slightly[/i] off, as the tuxedo appeared as though it could barely withhold the musculature of the 6'7" behemoth of a man. He shuffled uncomfortably towards the group, looking as though he was an elementary schooler attending his first recorder concert. The Director's clear annoyance at his situation was funny and interesting, but what was even more interesting was the fact that he was holding what appeared to be a large metal spider in his hand. The Director approached the group, squinting a little as he eyed the assembled heroes with disappointment, as if he was hoping they would all rip off their skinsuits and reveal themselves to actually be a set of older, more experienced heroes instead. He then shrugged, tossing the metal [i]thing[/i] to the floor in front of Wiseman to let the group get a better look. The "thing" was, quite obviously, a robot of some kind, and though it looked miniature balled up in the Director's massive fists, it was quite large, with a metal body the size of a serving platter and with eight spindly-looking robotic legs that were currently switching and sparking from being crushed. It also had some type of neck-like apparatus with a round camera head or something, though it was hard to tell given that the camera-looking head was smooshed and the neck-looking thing was bent in 2 places. The Director looked at the group left-to-right one more time, before speaking. [color=lightslategray]"Well, this is a group, I suppose. Bastion is also on the way. Let's just cut to the chase."[/color] He pointed to the spider-looking robot on the ground. [color=lightslategray]"This robot has been following me around for the better part of the last two hours. See that material that looks like tinfoil?"[/color] Indeed, the robot was wrapped in a thin, slightly crinkled layer of what appeared to be aluminum. [color=lightslategray]"Camofoil. It's pretty high-tech stuff; it can assume the color and texture of any surface almost perfectly to the untrained eye. This is some type of espionage drone. And while I wouldn't put it below the press to invest in automatons to do their paparazzi work, the most logical assumption is that I'm being watched by somebody unsavory. Which means that it would be wise to assume that somebody is plotting something involving either me, or this event. Which is why you're here. Contrary to your musings..."[/color] The Director gave a squint to make clear the fact that he could hear them from his backroom; Jake gave a weak smile and two thumbs-ups in response, [color=lightslategray]"...I don't plan on having any of you give a speech. But I do plan on having this event go as planned. It would be a bad look for the city to call off an event, whether it's a false alarm or legitimate. And if somebody is planning something, it's best to strike now when we have notice. So I want you all to provide some...let's call it 'additional security.'"[/color] Jake nodded, now with an excited grin. He was not as opposed to the idea of being part of a publicity stunt as the others, but this was much more appealing to the young hero than parading around a stage and doing some tricks. Having this parade day turn into a villan ass-kicking day was very exciting. Jake hadn't gotten a chance to do any [i]real[/i] hero work since that whole china incident went down, and he was worrying that he was getting a little rusty. [color=lightgreen]"I'm in, boss. You want me to set up a perimeter? Look through buildings? I got you."[/color] Hugo strained his lips, as if he were withholding an insult directed at Blast from spontaneously leaping out of his mouth. [color=lightslategray]"I want you all to remain low-profile, keep an eye on the area, and make sure nothing suspicious gets inside. If you need to fight something, take it as far away from here as possible. Wiseman, try and figure out who built that thing and why it's here. I tried not to damage any of the important components too much. Terra, stay with him and group up with Bastion when he arrives. Blast, Ardent, Wireframe, use your mobility to set up a vantage point somewhere near here. New Athens has plenty of tall buildings. Oracle..."[/color] Powers looked over at the youngest hero. [color=lightslategray]"Do whatever helps your powers work the best, I suppose. And all of you let me know if we need to evacuate the area. It would be very bad optics if we had to shut down such a big event, but it would be worse if anybody were to get hurt."[/color] He cracked his knuckles. [color=lightslategray]"Now...I have to prepare a speech, so get to work. I'll keep anybody that hasn't come yet in the loop."[/color] Powers doubled back to re-enter the back room that he had emerged from. Jake, on the other hand, twitched excitedly as he grabbed his goggles, slotting them on. [color=lightgreen]"Alright! Surveillance team. Let's go. Much better than robot team. Any ideas? I know there's that observation tower, like, one block away. Or! We can just go on the roof of the convention center. We can see pretty well from there, too."[/color] He looked at the other two heroes that the Director had grouped him with. They couldn't be more different. [color=lightgreen]"You guys have any ideas? Your powers are a little more suited towards high places than mine, I think. Though I can still, like, climb and stuff! Just need to build up a little speed. Anyway, ideas?"[/color] [/indent][/indent][hr] [quote][sub] H.E.R.O. One Dune Savior Island, Castleburg. Interacts with: Dahlia [@baraquiel], Gematria [@Scarifar], Crane [@Zoey Boey], Stray [@rabidporcupine], Alchemist [@Duoya], Mire [@Blizz], Fallout [@Aku the Samurai] [/sub][/quote] [indent][indent]Apparently, Emily's earlier assessment about the lack of attendance was quite wrong, as more and more people showed up. First, there was the heroine Crane, who Emily distinctly remembered (it was quite hard to forget when a person that is over 5 times taller than you applies to join your organization). Right by her was another anomaly, though a very different kind of anomaly: Mire, some type of sentient fungal Leftover. Emily had to admit that the thing unnerved her greatly. It would be surprising if there was anybody [i]not[/i] unnerved by the mushroom person-thing (scratch that, Hugo Powers.) Despite being approached by the two very different peculiar persons, Emily gave her brightest smile to them as well. [color=lightcoral]"That's right, both of you. I am both Assistant Director Emily Duff as well as the human you were asked to talk to. I would offer you both seats but..."[/color] She looked up at the enormous girl before down at the fungal amalgamation, [color=lightcoral]"...you might have to make due on your own. We shouldn't be long, anyway, only waiting for one or two-"[/color] Emily was once again interrupted, this time by the heroine she recognized as Alchemist barreling over and giving a very dramatic and very loud introduction to everybody. Emily smiled weakly. Her job got weirder every day. [color=lightcoral]"Hello, Rupa. Glad you could make it. And I don't think that apples and fungus are really close to the same thing. But it's a good thing to thing about your colleagues."[/color] Emily looked down at one of the papers she had clipped to her clipboard. There might have been a couple of stragglers, but they were pretty close to maximum capacity. Emily looked up and saw another hero having joined. Stray. Emily double-checked her roster. He wasn't on the list, and shouldn't have been on the list, too, which meant that either he was participating [i]again[/i] just for fun, or, more likely, he had never left HERO One. Emily sighed. She had to reminder Alisa to wake up sleeping heroes that set up shop in the lounges. She only barely showed this concern on her face, though, giving Stray a casual [color=lightcoral]"yep!"[/color] before looking over at another approaching person. Fallout, another individual with terrifying powers. Between the toxins, fungus, radiation, giant human, and metal-shifting, Savior Island might be a crater by the end of the exercise. Still, Emily offered the young man a quick handshake. [color=lightcoral]"Aw, don't worry, I've made some changes to try and make this experience as tolerable and interesting as possible! Speaking of which, guys!"[/color] the Assistant Director called out as she tapped her pen against the clipboard, in a bid to get everybody's attention. [color=lightcoral]"Alright, guys, hello and welcome. So glad you could all make it. So, as I'm sure you're mostly aware, this is a little orientation seminar on getting acquainted with being a hero. Now, we've done this orientation event yearly, and it's usually just me giving a little speech and doing a Q&A, but I want to make this year a little different! So I've ditched the speech and organized a scavenger hunt."[/color] Emily gave a big, toothy grin, hoping that her smile would instill some form of excitement in the heroes gathered before her. Also, the statement was partially a lie- she was [i]supposed[/i] to have done a speech, but decided against it in the last minute. [color=lightcoral]"I've placed a bunch of little pyramids all around the island, and all of them have little fun facts written in them! Here, I have an example."[/color] Emily removed a small, black pyramid from inside her jacket that was only a little larger than a fortune cookie. The pyramid glowed blue and began to speak. [color=turquoise]"HERO One is one of the 5 tallest buildings in all of Castleburg, but it is also the most well-fortified, with automated turrets located along the edges of the island and a variety of security functions within. It also has..."[/color] Emily then clasped her fist, causing the little pyramid to stop speaking. [color=lightcoral]"Most of them are more interesting than that. But there's a bunch scattered across the island, which makes for a great bonding activity! You guys can pair up however you want and try and collect as many as you can. Ooh, and here's the fun part, whoever gets the most collects this prize, which I picked special!"[/color] Emily turned around to grab something before facing the group again with two potted plants, one in each hand. They both resembled little bonsai trees, albeit much thicker and leafier. [color=lightcoral]"These are mood plants. They're a type of harmless Leftover. They're very adaptive and will take the shape of their environment, so they'll match whatever decor you have up or whatever type of mood- uh oh."[/color] The little plants, while Emily was speaking, had indeed changed substantially, though instead of resembling leafy trees now resembled two hedges that were shaped like flipped birds. Emily embarrassedly put the potted plants back down behind her. [color=lightcoral]"Well, there's your prizes! Pretty neat, huh? So there you go! Fun activity! Pair up, or I guess work alone if you want, and go find the little pyramids! And learn something too."[/color] Her eyes turned towards Joseph. [color=lightcoral]"Joseph, you're free to participate, though I would imagine it's at least a little bit unnecessary to do an activity designed for new recruits? The plants [i]are[/i] cool though."[/color] She then looked out at the group. [color=lightcoral]"Oh, and one last thing, please don't fight each other! There'll be time for that...another day."[/color] [/indent][/indent][hr] [quote][sub] 12:57 PM Dodge City Cigar Lounge New Athens, Castleburg [/sub][/quote] [indent][indent]The Dodge City Cigar Lounge was a profitable business located in New Athens. It was a lovely establishment that had combined the old-timey saloon feel with a refreshingly sophisticated atmosphere, comfortable leather sofas positioned in the middle of a building that was covered in Wild West artifacts. This, combined with some good marketing techniques and an impressive collection of expensive cigars and scotch, made it a popular location frequented by many of the elites of Castleburg, including multiple heroes. This was ironic because the owner of the store was, in fact, a supervillain that went by the name Doc Holliday, and it was one floor right above the establishment where the man was currently standing, looking out the window and at the parade currently marching down the avenue. Doc Holliday put a lot of effort to make himself look like his historical namesake, complete with the vintage gray frock coat; the cowboy hat; the dark boots with silver spurs; the large, bush gray mustache; and of course, the two enormous revolvers strapped to his waist. The villain was, at the moment, twirling that mustache around his finger as he watched, with great consternation, the parade going on right below his window. He clenched his teeth, turning to look at the other three occupants of the room. The other gathered individuals, all sitting around a large circular table, were a strange looking bunch. One of them was a woman, with jet-black hair and jet-black bodysuit, that was strapped with knives- down her legs, on her jacket, and a small stiletto even in her hair bun. Next to her, a middle-aged man exhibiting classic male-pattern baldness in a labcoat with a thick-looking laptop in front of him. And next to him, an albino man with shoulder-length snow white hair, pale skin, and red eyes, wearing a coat with an upturned collar. This was certainly an unusual crowd. [color=Moccasin]"We ready to go yet?"[/color] Doc Holliday asked to the group in his characteristic drawl, though his eyes seemed to be focused on the man in the labcoat, who was typing furious on his computer. [color=B7B7B7]"Not yet,"[/color] the scientist said nervously, fiddling with his computer some more. [color=B7B7B7]"I have some, umm, bad news. We've lost a droid."[/color] [color=Moccasin]"What'ya mean, we lost a droid? You left it in your car, lost? Or some [i]hero [b]destroyed[/b][/i] it, lost?"[/color] [color=B7B7B7]"I couldn't tell you. We just suddenly lost the feed. It could've been tampering, but it also could be a malfunction. I can send another droid to double-check-"[/color] The Wild West cosplayer huffed, the tips of his mustache flitting about as he exhaled annoyedly. [color=Moccasin]"Don't even bother. It's about as likely that that droid accidentally exploded or somethin' as it is that I'm the King of England. And I ain't the King of England. Y'know who this is? This is Hugo Powers thinkin' he's caught on to us. And he has, but he ain't gon' catch us. We just gotta move up the time table, is all."[/color] The man grabbed a bottle of bourbon off his window pane, pouring it into a crystal glass. He took the glass in his hand, taking a short sip. [color=Moccasin]"Let's get ready to move, then. Professor, you hold down the fort here and provide backup. Lady Blade, on me. Albino, you know the drill, right? We make the distraction, You support Jellyfish at the actual mark. HERO One."[/color] The pale man adjusted his coat with both hands, sprouting a wide grin, and nodded wordlessly. Doc Holliday downed the rest of his whiskey. [color=Moccasin]"Let's go, then. The Fiendish Five ride again."[/color] [/indent][/indent][hr][sub][color=turquoise]Mission Control has been updated with necessary information.[/color][/sub]