[center][h1][color=FF8C00][h1][b]Freakshow[/b][/h1][/color][/h1][/center] The alarm blared in the scarred younger woman's room within HERO One, droning on and on and on as the alarm rang faster and louder and faster and louder over the course of just two minutes. Two minutes that felt like twenty minutes, really, but the younger woman would eventually deign to reach over as her right arm seemed to stretch and elongate and gain more than a few new elbows and arm segments just to reach over to the dresser on the other end of her toom to turn it off. The display of warped and unnatural physiology, emerging from a pile of messy and tousled sheets, might've been seen as fitting for a scene from a horror movie or game at the very least. However, this morning it was far less than such a scedne. For Luna...it was just another morning after sleeping in a non-containment cell bed that she'd begun to become accustomed to since joining HERO finally. [color=FF8C00]"Mhwmhmm..."[/color] The lazy bare-minimum moan of acklnowledgement would eek out from her head of messy white hair in a reluctant manner, her body rejecting the notion of leaving the comfortable cocoon of the warm and cozy bed while her brain fought back in a heated and pitched battle for supremacy. Ultimately, however, the war between the two would come down to the very wire, a close finish, a photo finish that would mean- *RNNG* ....Well that was something calling her watch, even where it sat on the nearby bedside table. The super-elongated monstrosity of an arm, its purpose in turning off the offending alarm, would rapidly shrink and warp back into a rather normal-seeming if not scarred right arm. This arm would right over to the closer bedside table in turn, fumbling about until it grabbed up the watch and Luna's head popped up like a whack-a-mole game from the sheets as she tapped the surface of the smart device. Tired and sleepy blue eyes, still with some matter in them, were rubbed with her other free hand to clear them up as the nineteen year old looked on semi-attentively and mostly listened to the message ala the holographic head of the Director himself that was now being displayed by the watch itself. [quote=Director Powers] "Attention, heroes. I need a group of you to assist me at the Johnstone Convention Center. If you are available, please come and meet behind the stage. You will be rewarded for your time." [/quote] Oh. Oh yeah, the parade and such was going on today. Heroes going out there to sign autographs and crap. People running around and celebrating them. Food. Festival. Grandeur. Etc. Even that gaudy parade baloon of the Director she'd heard was going to be part of the parade proper. It wasn't that people couldn't do that sort of thing, she was glad it was a celebration rather than a witch hunt or something, but like hell if a public thing like that was her metaphorical cup of tea there. What, would everyone suddenly not remember that incident of five years ago? Then again, the chances of the few survivors noticing her was one thing....but still, she didn't feel much like it either. Partly due to not wanting to deal with it, and partly because, well, she wasn't quite worth heading out there to be 'admired' really. Just helping people, pay or not, was all she cared about at this point in time to go out there to do. Simple. Hell, could smash some heads together if the Director wanted her to take up a patrol in Brookside or Watervale today to the side of the parade and just far away enough from the festivities. But if he was calling out like this....yeah, something was up. Or trying to go on. About to go on? He wasn't a guy to be fluffy and frivilous about things to her knowledge, and she repected that. In any case, though, she'd already been placing a bet with someone around HERO One about this particular day anyways. A bet of ten dollars that 'something big and stupid's going to happen', because Luna trusted a huge event like this to go off 'without a hitch' as much as one could trust a live and ticking time bomb with three seconds left on the timer and no one around to defuse it. She'd gotten a comment or few about being 'ill spirited' or 'not in good sport' in making that bet, but she would make her mind known and had made the bet to make a point of her opinion on things. Best case scenario? She lost the bet and had to pay up ten dollars and got the relief of things having gone well to go with it. Worst case scenario? She got at least ten dollars from things and cracked some heads of the morons trying to make the day a mess and got paid for it, all while avoiding saying an 'I told you so' coming from her own lips and getting to do her job in helping people. Wasn't going to be a thing either way that she would relish in. [color=FF8C00]"Schtupid buncha...alllrigh.....ok, ok, I'll get up."[/color] Muttering to herself, the pale white haired Luna crawled gradually out of bed in a lazy fashion. This was going to be a 'day', Director's message or not, and she could feel it in her bones. One might normally call this a 'gut instinct', if they would, but to her it was mostly called 'that instinct that helps you stay outta' trouble and alive' or something of the sort. Eh. 'Gut instinct' would actually do rather well for how simple it was, though, in hindsight. [hr] Sleveless blue shirt. Comfortable jeans. Standard civilian attire, all in all, but it was what Luna felt most comfortable heading out in even in this weather. It was not too cold for her, nor too hot, and her body could frankly be adjusted to feel comfortable regardless without any harm. Could walk about with nothing and still be comfortable in the weather, but like hell if she was going to do that sort of thing to herself or give some randos the eye candy they wanted. Ha. Eye-candy was the opposite of her in enough ways, but that was neither here nor there. As the white-haired younger woman leaned against the wall to the right side of the front entrance, her arms crossed for the moment being, she looked on and listened in with enhanced eyes and ears at Ms. Duff and the others after having just gotten outside not too long ago. Well, having done so after getting dressed and such at least. Grabbed some snacks on the way out. Suggesting to Alisa briefly on the side to tell Rupa that Walt Disney's frozen head was kept underneath Disney World if she wantd more material. Little stuff like that. Seemed the others had done a job of trying to help grab her papers and the like as well, etc, to boot. But a scavenger hunt for these sorts of things? Eh, it was informative and allowed them to put their powers to use at the very least. She could see the reason in it, even as much as she felt it was quite a bit silly as an activity in and of itself. What did one get when a walking nuclear reactor, a talking mushroom pile, a pop culture child, a giant cinnamon roll, a giant man-child, Katy Perry's Toxic in-person, Tokyo's latest robotic pop-idol yet-to-be, and a former 'Butterfly' who got tired with all the 'duff' and got into management were all in the same place? ... ... ... A bunch of random sterotypes lumped togethher that weren't truly all the actual people themselves, really, even though all she had seen so far from them was a basic summary of sorts when trying to pour over the info she was allowed to look at about those she'd be working with. Files and paper weren't actually people, though, and she felt glad she'd been able to continue an education of some sorts in her containment to boot. Even so, she'd been reading up for a few days and pondering about things, etc, to be prepared. The start of all of that, however, had sounded like the start to a really strange and silly joke. That had been mostly on purpose, admittedly, to break the mental ice before she'd walk over to break it socially. A bit dumb, but hell she was a tiny bit tired still and had gotten out of bed finally, so it wasn't going to be the most creative measures she could think of outright to get herself moving and mentally prepared. Still, working up the energy to finally make her approach as people perhaaps paired off and such for the hunt, Luna would pull herself off of the wall and would begin to casually walk from her spot against the wall over to where Ms. Duff was.