[color=f49ac2][b]Alien Angel[/b][/color] East Side Possible interaction: Backup [@Zoey Boey] ---------- For her and even her partner, coming to Castleburg would have been nothing sort of a possible "death sentence" for them. Sure, they weren't exactly "criminals" but there was a reason why some cities and other places have laws against vigilantes. Why they had to look over their shoulders...from the I.C.O.S.A. to villains like a certain mad scientist and whoever believed his garbage for experimentation. Even more so with this city itself...even she knew why some people gave the nickname of this city "Hero Central". That even included this special holiday. So that's why they had set up shop here on the East Side or "Flank" as it was also called. Lesser security and hero patrols. They could have risked it the slum areas but with the crime rates, it would have been easy to get exposed simply because some random thug thought they were "normal people" and easy marks. But in this line of work, those were the risks. It had nearly been two weeks since they covertly came here. All because the scientist they found out about here was actually WILLING to hide in a city full of super hero's like no other. They weren't even sure if this scientist knew anything about who they were really after but they knew one thing. This individual was a trouble maker. Regardless, putting him off the streets would at least be worth the trouble. Based on the info she found on the "dark web", this fellow was actually apart of a villain group called "The Fiendish Five" though supposedly, the group had "retired" but even in the dark web, you had to be careful what to believe just like normal internet. The group itself was legit that much was real. At the moment though, info on the other five was pending as she continued to work away. Right now, she was actually on a random roof top. Wearing only a pair of "pink" colored sweatpants but actually wearing a "Blast" merch T-shirt, she was sitting in her own corner with a pink "virtual window" opened in front of her. Typing away as she continued her intel hunt. After a bit though, she decided to switch it up. Leaving the dark web, she then "hacked" into the security camera's around New Athens. Might as well make sure nothing was currently happening. During this though, someone actually jumped onto her rooftop. She noted that this woman hadn't noticed her yet as she even started sitting on the edge with what looked liked a hotdog of all things. She had a hunch who this was but just to be sure, she opening another virtual window but this one wasn't just a web browser. She then pointed it in the general direction of the individual and almost instantly, it I.D.ed her. Quickly closing the window, itself disappearing out of thin air it seemed, she still kept the other one hacked into the security camera feeds open but perhaps did something someone trying to maintain a low profile would never do. Expose herself. [color=f49ac2]"Wow. Backup in the house. Que pasa?"[/color], she called but still switching through the security camera feeds.