[hider=Merripen “Penni” Perran] [center][h3][color=C5B4D5]Merripen “Penni” Perran[/color][/h3][/center] [b]Name[/b]: Merripen Perran [i](AKA Penni to friends)[/i] [b]Age[/b]: 20 [b]Species[/b]: Numan [b]Height/Weight[/b]: [i](Pre-Amputation)[/i] 4’3” (129 cm) / 100 lbs (45 kg) || [i](Post-Amputation)[/i] 2’9” (84 cm) / 81 lbs (36 kg) [b]Sex/Gender[/b]: AFAB || She/Her/Hers [center][b][color=C5B4D5]Appearance[/color][/b][/center] A tiny thing to begin with, Merripen has large, warm, reddish brown eyes that take up most of her face that react much like earth’s Tarsier (has some of the best nocturnal vision) and has both legs amputated and replaced with short prosthetics. Her long back hair reaches past her bum and she’ll often have it in her face. Two small horns adorn the top of her head, mostly black with a hint of red. At first glance, you would think Merripen has no mouth despite the little dimples appearing in her cheeks, but on closer inspection you’ll find that the skin in the area looks suspicious. She can unhinge her jaw and open her ‘mouth’ widely, the flesh dripping and tearing each time she does so. With no tongue, teeth, or vocal cords, she is not able to speak. Very pale skin with peach and a hint of purple undertones. [center][b][color=C5B4D5]Personality/History[/color][/b][/center] Born to a Quasit father and Quasit-based Numan mother, Merripen was born with her magic but was also orphaned at a young age in an accident that took most of her legs along with her parents. Merripen likes to keep a low profile and not draw attention to herself. Being the daughter of a mob boss wasn’t something she was particularly proud of or willing to share with everyone, even if she was dead. The other children her age would bully her relentlessly for just about anything as she grew up, pushing her to grow her magic as soon as possible. When her stains mutated her body, Merripen no longer resembled her mother or even a Numan anymore. The bullying from other children became worse and her inheritance of the mob was questioned. When her uncle took over the syndicate, he kept Merripen on a short leash as she became forced to work under him. Enduring treatment for the nepotism of her position, she also was regarded as trash that didn’t belong for her appearance. Merripen now keeps to herself, preferring being alone and silently observing the actions of others rather than engaging with them, much like the behavior of a skittish cat. Vhoth has always been the exception to this, his extroverted charm managing to bring the tiny thing out of her shell more. Although he’s liked by most, anyone who’s bad-mouthed her best friend usually ends up mysteriously disappearing. [center][b][color=C5B4D5]What Are You Looking For?[/color][/b][/center] [i]What she says[/i] [color=C5B4D5]“The person who killed my parents”[/color] || [i]What she doesn’t say[/i] [color=A186BD]“A way to get out of the crime syndicate for good”[/color] [center][b][color=C5B4D5]Capabilities[/color][/b][/center] [list][*][b]Job:[/b] Consigliere / Works for the new don that took over the crime syndicate after her parents died. Used mostly for her unique kinesis to help find snitches and disloyal members. [*][b]Combat:[/b] Daggers / With her short stature, Merripen likes to dash between the legs of enemies, slicing tendons in their ankles or knees. Her choice of daggers are attached to her wrists with chains. [*][b]Magic:[/b] Neurokinesis / Merripen was born with this magic[/list] [center][b][color=C5B4D5]Magic Form[/color][/b][/center] [list][*]Basic Kinesis ability: [color=C5B4D5][i]Happily Ever After[/i][/color] Allows Merripen to perform minor memory creation and wiping. [list][*]Magic Stain: [color=A186BD][i]Life Ain’t No Fairytale[/i][/color] Learning how to manipulate one’s memories has taken its toll on Merripen, causing devilish horns to painfully grow on her head as if punishing her for her wicked behavior by forcing her to look like a monster.[/list] [*]First Spell: [color=C5B4D5][i]I Can Fix That[/i][/color] Minor emotion manipulation and detection [list][*]Magic Stain: [color=A186BD][i]The Better To See You With[/i][/color] When acquiring this ability, Merripens eyes changed, making her unable to bear any light and even warping her perception of reality permanently.[/list][/list] [/hider] [img]https://i.ibb.co/Jk1FRf9/Penni.png[/img]