[center][h2][b][color=goldenrod][ Amuné [/color]and [color=rosybrown]Jareth ][/color][/b][/h2][/center][hr][hr] The appearance of Director Powers interrupted Wiseman's greeting to Jareth, but the young man didn't pursue it. The drone had caught his attention. He settled next to the older, armored hero, and watched as the man pried loose a panel, then made sure the thing was disabled. When Wiseman set the drone back down, Jareth accepted the tacit offer, kneeling down next to the drone and taking a look at the innards while listening to the other man speak. What followed was exposition on the Fiendish Five and their capabilities. They sounded...dangerous. Then again, any villian that had killed [i]20 heroes[/i] was bound to be dangerous. He was nervous, but it seemed Wiseman had a good idea of how to proceed. Amuné, for her part, had quietly taken the loose panel that Austin pried off the bot, and was turning it over in her hands. She listened attentively to his rundown of who they faced, her face unreadable behind her mask. Once Austin was done, she focused her powers and attempted a scry. Sure enough, five figures, though only the balding man in a labcoat was clearly visible. The others seemed to be moving around, but Professor Gholem -- she presumed -- was hard at work on a laptop. [color=goldenrod]"The professor is stationary, somewhere -- I can't really make out the details, but he's got a customized laptop with him. I'm guessing that's how he's controlling the drones. The other four are blurry, but I think they're on the move. Which means..."[/color] She glanced over at Wiseman. [color=goldenrod]"Attack incoming, I'd imagine."[/color]