[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/tgbbhnFP/Elara.webp[/img][/center][Sub]Interactions: Octavia-[@The Savant][/sub] [hr][indent]Taking a deep breath, Elara moved around the room, tidying up and ensuring Octavia’s surroundings were as comforting as possible. She adjusted the curtains to let in just the right amount of moonlight, bathing the room in a soft, silvery glow that provided a sense of calm. The shadows danced gently on the walls, creating a tranquil atmosphere that contradicted the storm brewing outside the castle walls and within its occupants’ hearts. One of those hearts being her own. As Elara worked, she couldn’t help but reflect on the magnitude of the events unfolding around them all. The death of Queen Antoinette, the mysterious circumstances surrounding her passing, the unsettling news about the king’s swift remarriage to a pregnant woman—all of it weighed heavily on her mind. She had always known that life at court was fraught with intrigue and danger, but the reality of it all was overwhelming. It was all…so much. All of it. Elara paused in her preparations, taking a moment to gather her thoughts and compose herself. She straightened her posture and let out a slow, steady breath. She knew that the conversation about the letter and the troubling news would not be easy, but it was necessary. She had to be strong, however, for Octavia’s sake, to provide the support and guidance the princess needed during this tumultuous time. With a final glance around the room to ensure everything was in perfect order, Elara moved to the bedside and settled into a chair. She smoothed the fabric of her skirt, her fingers trembling slightly as she steeled herself for the challenges ahead. The weight of her role, the burden of the secrets she now carried, and the uncertainty of the future all pressed down on her, but she knew she could not falter. As Octavia stirred and began to wake, Elara’s heart ached with sorrow. She knew right then and there she would do everything in her power to protect the princess and help her navigate the treacherous path that lay ahead. For now, though, she focused on the immediate task at hand: being there for Octavia and providing the strength and reassurance she so desperately needed. [color=#4169e1]“Your Highness,”[/color] she began softly once the other had fully awaken,[color=#4169e1] “I arrived shortly after you had fallen asleep. Pleiades informed me of your situation and the need for my assistance. I didn’t see anything inappropriate, I assure you.”[/color] She looked down for a moment, twiddling her fingers nervously before looking back up, her eyes reflecting genuine concern and unwavering loyalty. [color=#4169e1]“I’m just here to help, as always,”[/color] Elara continued, her tone imbued with warmth and sincerity. [color=#4169e1]“If there’s anything you need to talk about or anything troubling you, please know that I am here for you.”[/color] She hesitated for a moment, however, her gaze steady and compassionate. [color=#4169e1]“Princess, I understand that you’ve already read the letter. I actually….wanted to discuss it with you, to see how you’re feeling and what your thoughts are on the situation.” [/color] Elara paused once again, carefully choosing her next words. [color=#4169e1]“And, if I may, Your Highness… Pleiades also mentioned that he was close to your mother, Queen Antoinette. He seemed genuinely concerned for your well-being. I just wanted to ensure you understand that I am here for you, always, but…. it is a little unusual still for him to be alone with you at this hour. Is everything… alright between you two?” [/color] She might be crossing a line with that last question, but she [i]had [/i]to know. Had to make sure. The delicate balance of courtly propriety and personal concern weighed heavily on her. Elara’s heart pounded in her chest as she awaited Octavia’s response, hoping she hadn’t overstepped her bounds. The silence that followed her question felt interminable, each second stretching out as she watched Octavia’s face for any sign of distress or discomfort. Elara’s mind raced with possibilities. She knew that Pleiades had always been a trusted advisor and friend to Queen Antoinette, but his relationship with Octavia was less clear. Was there something more between them? Or was it simply a matter of old loyalties and protective instincts? Elara [i]needed[/i] to understand the dynamics at play here to better support Octavia in these trying times. That is what she truly felt deep down. [/indent]