[h1][color=2e8b57]Isla Gill[/color][/h1][sub][hr][color=2e8b57]Location:[/color] Ancient Grove [color=2e8b57]Mentions:[/color] N/A[/sub] Isla sneezed again at the yellow-tinted powder, the burst of which could only be described really as a [i]move[/i], and immediately enough Swiper started to whine. He twitched a little, sure, but…none of those little movements and gestures that Isla had come to understand as normal. None of the little sniffs and curious ears. Not even a paw's motion. Her eyes widened at it, the realization of it fully coming. [i]Paralyzed[/i]. “Why you little-” How dare this little, little guy take advantage of [i]her[/i] charity? How dare this little Budew decide that it was his job to take what was offered and give back in fighting her? Not even Swiper had been that tricksy! Not even Swiper had been that deceitful! Isla's tone certainly wasn't gentle about the whole of it. The Budew had decided it wanted to fight, to make that first attack, and Isla felt her blood hot like it hadn't ever really been before. She snapped out taut words, a whip to them as the duffelbag slammed on the ground with dust gathering about its base. “Dancing! Hold them down!” He charged on it, closing the distance fast between them while low, [i]low[/i], all while Isla quickly dragged out her blanket from the bag. It was big enough for a person, weighted enough for a good sleep, and entirely too massive for a Budew. Like a net, Isla cast the thing over the little bulb Pokémon [i]just before[/i] Dancing got there. [b]Isla used Blanket![/b] [b]Dancing used Helping Hand![/b] [b]Swiper is Paralyzed![/b] [hr][hider=Pokémon | Inventory][color=2e8b57]Pokémon:[/color][list][*] Dancing | Eevee | Level 9 | Anticipation | Pokéball Tackle, Tail Whip, Covet, Growl, Helping Hand, Sand Attack, Wish [*] Swiper | Nickit | Level 11 | Runaway | Pokéball Quick Attack, Tail Whip, Beat Up, Hone Claws [/list][color=2e8b57]Inventory:[/color] 4000p[list]Tranquil Reviere VIP card 3 x Pokéball 3 x Potion [/list][/hider]