[color=f49ac2][center][h1]Megumi Takaki[/h1][/center][/color] [hr][hr] Megumi nodded as Emily took back the paper, then she moved back to wait for any others to arrive. As it turned out, she didn't have to wait too long. A whole slew of people had decided to come to the orientation in a short period of time. There was a towering figure of a woman. She seemed nice. There was another woman who had an brash look and a sailor's mouth to match. Megumi... tolerated her. There was a... humanoid mushroom creature? Megumi wasn't sure why there was a Leftover here, but considering it hadn't attacked anyone, and seemingly no one else was [i]too[/i] bothered by it, they were probably safe for the time being. Still, she chose to not-so-subtly walk around and hide behind Crane, just in case. A few others also came by, but the highlight of the attendees was a certain magical rune-wielding hero. "[color=f49ac2]It's Stray...[/color]" Megumi thought out loud, unable to contain her hint of excitement. Megumi's eyes had lit up upon spotting him, but she quickly averted them in embarrassment, a small blush forming on her face. She then cleared her throat as if there was something there. There wasn't. She just wasn't used to letting her emotions get the best of her. Fortunately, the topic soon turned as Emily began to explain the upcoming activity: a scavenger hunt of little black pyramids, and the prizes upon winning it. Megumi placed a hand on her chin and slightly tilted her head, lost in thought. The mood plants were of little interest to Megumi; they were nothing to get particularly fussed about, but the idea of the scavenger hunt sounded fun. It would help test out some ideas Megumi had and see how effective they were.