[center][h2][b][i][colour=94B21C][[/colour][/i] [colour=94B21C]𝑅𝒾 𝓁 𝑒𝓎[/colour] [i][colour=94B21C]][/colour][/i][/b][/h2][/center] [hr][hr] A scavenger hunt? [I]Ugh.[/I] If he'd known this was what they had planned, he would have still been passed out in his room. That would still have been a better use of his time than this, in any case. Why would he bother wasting time scavenging for irrelevant facts that he could easily learn by himself at literally any other time? Crystals crunched between Riley's teeth and he swallowed reflexively. Another chocolate bar followed in short order, dissolving like ice upon his tongue. He crossed his arms and frowned, annoyance creasing his brow. If this was– Oh? Riley looked on with fascination as Emily brought out the "prizes". Mood plants were foreign to him, and while they didn't seem to have much use at first glance—detecting someone's mood held little obvious practicality—that didn't stop his interest. He wondered how they accomplished such a feat—chemicals, maybe? Or perhaps, something more esoteric. Leftovers were intriguing to him in more ways than one; beings mutated by the same event that [s]cursed[/s] blessed humanity with godlike powers. As beautiful as they were terrifying. Maybe this scavenger hunt wouldn't be an entirely useless endeavour, if the prizes were any indication. [colour=94B21C]"You should have started with that. I almost walked off."[/colour] The AD's final request for no conflict went mostly unanswered, though not necessarily ignored. Riley had no reason or desire to start a fight, and hopefully, none of the others did either. It also wouldn't serve any real purpose beyond antagonising potential teammates. The last part of Emily's sentence, however, did not escape his notice. .... Another day? Well, if that wasn't ominous. The mushroom-thing among them didn't seem very enthused about the reward for the scavenger hunt, though. It had quite a strong reaction to the display of the mood plants, actually. It made Riley curious of what else could get a reaction out of it. He gave the Leftover a glance, then his eyes fell to the spores it shed and he grimaced. Even inhuman monstrosities littered? Again. [I]Ugh.[/I] A casual flick of a finger was all it took to get rid of the fallen spores, their very being dissolving like snowflakes in the sunlight. Then, he turned his attention to their source. [colour=94B21C]"[I]Everything's[/I] made of the same thing. Far as I'm concerned, there is no difference between them and a dog."[/colour] A half-truth, but one that would hopefully satisfy his burgeoning curiosity.