[b][i]Lorenzo Calungsod Emiya[/i][/b] Lorenzo, meanwhile, was glancing at his PDA, which maintained a backdoor to Kyoto's CCTV network and the local news media. As Caster made her offer, he was fast distracted by the reports being funneled into his device, reports of a suspicious train crash where all 300 passengers had died. Now, this could be completely mundane, but Lorenzo's instincts said that such an accident, with a massive loss of life, at this point in time, was very massively suspicious. So the young man looked at Caster and said, [b]"I, and maybe Saber, might consider it; there's been a massive 'accident' and a slaugther of humans that cannot be overlooked so easily, even if the causes are entirely mundane - Which I doubt."[/b] His gaze growing firmer, he spelled out what he wanted in exchange for putting in a good word for the Servant, [b]"Help us confirm if that accident was completely accidental, and that ought to be proof that you're genuine about your intentions. Is that good enough?"[/b] Then he turned to the rest of the group and said, [b]"Do you guys agree with this as well? So many people dead is worth investigating, even if it's completely mundane, there would be tons of wraiths and ghosts who might be lingering around the area for Rogue Servants to use or consume..."[/b] [b][i]Oleg-Marie Animusphere[/i][/b] [i]I will hold you to it,[/i] Oleg-Marie said to Puss in Boots, [i]I have faith in your honor as the Master Cat. Now, as for that Caster... Let's see if she's useful.[/i] He was already gloating inside about how Lorenzo was going to be his husband, and how all it took was giving the Emiyas back the bones of one Noritaka Emiya through skillful lawyering and skullduggery; [i]Shirley Calungsod Emiya[/i] was a formidable obstacle to his plans to marry her son, but once he had overthrown his father (Marisbury Animusphere), taken the bones for himself, then traded said bones to her, she would become as formidable an ally as she was a foe... Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant! If Kayneth's familiar was still here, he'd speak to it and Kayneth himself, asking, [b]"So, Rider... Is he yours? He appears to be a loyal and honorable Servant worthy of you..."[/b] [@GOATPlumber][@ManyThings][@Digmata] [b][i]Constantine XI Shielder Lily[/i][/b] [hider=Boy on a Motorbike][img]https://i.imgur.com/brnQluU.jpeg[/img][/hider] It was now Constantine XI Shielder Lily's turn to pipe up, [b]"Oh, right, shouldn't we cast something so that mundane police or just gangsters don't come over here and try and find out what we're doing?"[/b] [b][i]Lorenzo Calungsod Emiya[/i][/b] [b]"What do you think I've been doing in the background?"[/b] was Lorenzo's response to that. [@GubGar][@Randomguy][@Double D]