[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/68b39d4b-8bdd-4076-83d6-f7b626465c76.png[/img] [url=https://youtu.be/TcG2BSXeqp8?si=xmK6R8ZId6EWgfo-]🎵[/url][/center] As glass simply hung within the air, caught and entwined by unseen strings, time held no meaning here. No rules are imposed but the world's own. Within the dark heart, a place that saw all within the aberrant landscapes of the Alterworld, the trinity watched, as hands were placed upon the table. [color=00a651]"Knowing you, Erebus, you like this little game you play with these humans... if they can even be called that after what you did to them. I don't know how Malgam puts up with you, dear brother..."[/color] The formless one let free a sigh, Nyx crossing her arms across the table as she sat, the cowl that enshrouded her head pulled low. [color=00a99d]"The least you could have done is give them more information about their predicament, instead of throwing them straight into the fire."[/color] [color=8e45c5]"I didn't ask you to comment on the way I conduct my business."[/color] The masked one, Erebus, retorted. Taking his own seat, the one of many faces silently adjusted his outfit, as if waiting for something to happen as he stared intently at his contracted... [hr] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/e05d2ee8-beeb-45b0-993c-b1b62a099433.png[/img] [color=a187be]"AH!"[/color] Chihiro cried out as she was pulled to the hallway, before she was set down, the deer passing out on the ground, pushed to his limit. Her gaze is brought to the black hole- fallen angel- thing, as it spoke, uttering its frantic words as it brought the puppet into one of its many pairs of arms... [color=a187be]"W-wait! We don't even know where the exit is, let alone if there even is one!"[/color] She called out, anxiously going to the deer as she steadily began dragging him toward where the seraph went... Her eyes drifting down to a glass shard grasped in her paw, colorful and reflective... yet her reflection showed not what her form was here, but her more human visage. Her eyes closed for a brief second, stowing the shard away, as she dragged the unconscious deer. [color=a187be]"Just... Wait for me!"[/color]