[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/wi7IBym.png[/img] [h2][b][color=fff79a]Rider - Jan Sobieski[/color][/b][/h2] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] An abandoned lot in Kyoto [b][u]Interacting with:[/u][/b] [@Letter Bee] [@Randomguy] [@GOATPlumber] [@Digmata][/center] [hr] Jan found himself rather impressed with his Master. Beyond the wealth of resources, he was clearly cautious and clever. Eager to ensure the beneficial alliance didn't turn into a knife in the back through contracts of a magical nature. Perhaps if Jan had those, Poland would have benefitted more. [b][color=fff79a]"It seems I am in agreement, then. Would that I had fine drinks to toast with, but I hope the lack of refreshments does not offend either of you."[/color][/b] But.. no, likely not. He'd have never forced the Pope to sign such a thing. It was his duty to act in service to him, even if it netted few benefits. Maybe it simply was not in Jan's nature to be the clever businessperson. But at least he could be a keen General- [quote]A moment later, something descended behind Jan, as Saber shouted, [color=39b54a]"Rider, behind you!"[/color][/quote] Jan (to his embarrassment) yelps in surprise, hurriedly, especially for his size, putting distance between himself and the unknown entity behind him. While he was a bit lacking in wit, he was clearly not without skill due to how quickly he reacted. Of course, the newly revealed Servant was no enemy (yet), so it was all for naught. The new arrival spoke of putting in her lot with the rest of the gathered Servants. This alliance was growing rather massive indeed.. Would there even be Servants left to fight by the end of the night? He gives his answer to the unidentified Servant. [b][color=fff79a]"I have to confess, it hardly feels sporting to the rest of the Grail War to have a collective such as this. But I suppose I ought not to prioritize my battle lust if there is a danger of corruptive forces at play. I've no objections on principle alone to you joining, I suppose. But I'm not so clueless as to join hands with a total stranger."[/color][/b] Saber was a fairly large unknown quantity as well, but she had put forward much more than this newcomer had. Yet it was fair to be cautious when standing down three Servants on one's own, so he could not entirely fault her for skulking. What mattered now was what she did to prove herself.. And it seemed Saber's master had a solid idea of what. A mass incident was an ill thing indeed.. But what had lead him to be suspicious about it? With so few details, Jan couldn't hazard a guess. He looks to Saber and Shielder, to see what their thoughts on the matter were. And additionally, keeps his own Master updated on the goings-on, as if his familiars hadn't already done so.