[h2]Fujiwara no Mokou[/h2] Nope, these things weren't able to kill her either. Not properly, at least. Sure, taking whatever the blobs were spewing out to the face had been kind of... well, it was fatal. It had also been a particularly [i]odd[/i] feeling, like it was trying to do… something more than killing her. But either it wasn't applicable on mostly-ordinary humans, or it was yet another thing that was unable to overcome the Hourai Elixir. It had left her standing around for a few minutes to test after dying, though. Also to catch her breath and wait for her head to stop ringing… head injuries really were the [i]worst[/i] thing to die to, even when they didn't have a lasting impact. At least she was paying enough attention to catch what the odd green guy was saying. "If the caravan goes on alone, there might be more things like this on the road." "I wouldn't recommend letting them hit you."