[center] [img]https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/e4gdcjn8b64.png[/img] [b]Rogue Saber, Higashiyama Ward[/b] [/center] [hr] Tokimune watched as the young Master drew his own sword, sending some sort of lightning slash against his wind blade. Admirable attempt, but ultimately futile. Though he did have good observation to infer some sort of territory skill. Simply knowing it won't secure their path to victory, but it was a good observation, nonetheless. While his wind blade was not the full release of his Noble Phantasm, it was still a Noble Phantasm, a crystalised mystery, in this case, that of his miraculous victory against the Mongols brought by a thunderstorm, a thunderstorm that had gone down in legends as being the wrath of the lightning God Raijin in the form of a Divine Wind, a Kamikaze, forever etching the concept of 'Kamikaze' into the world. It was not something that could be matched easily by modern magecraft. He doubted the lightning slash would do much to slow down his attack. Which was why when Tokimune found that Berserker emerged from the attack only suffering minor wounds, he concluded that Berserker's Endurance Parameter must be remarkable. Compared to whatever defensive skill or noble phantasm he was displaying, they made Berserker very durable, indeed. Tokimune side-stepped the overhead strike, only to find himself suddenly facing an incoming roundhouse kick. His vision slowed once more as he judged the best course of action. Berserker was already too close for Tokimune to dodge properly even with his superior agility, even were he able to dodge, that would expose an opening for a follow-up attack. He also did not fancy blocking with his katana, it was well made, but it was not his noble phantasm, he did not want to strain the blade unless he had to. That left... Berserker did not have a monopoly on endurance, while Tokimune was under no illusion that his Endurance was better than Berserker in normal circumstances, this was not normal circumstances. In this territory, just like his agility and strength, his endurance parameter had been enhanced, perhaps even to the point it was better than Berserker's in pure stats, his special defence notwithstanding. And so, Tokimune planted his feet firmly on the ground, bracing himself to take the roundhouse kick with his torso. A tactic that would have been utterly reckless had they not been fighting in his territory. The kick connected. Tokimune felt the force of the kick, not to the point where it would be fatal or detrimental, but enough that he felt the impact. Still, this was Hojo Tokimune, someone whose mind was laser-focused on achieving victory, regardless of the circumstances. Shrugging the pain, he chanted [color=0072bc]"Come forth, O' lightning!"[/color] The night's sky was clear, with not a thundercloud in sight, however...despite that, the moment the words were uttered by Tokimune a lightning bolt came down from the heavens above, lighting up Tokimune's katana. The samurai then swung his blade, connecting with Berserker's foot that was currently planted on his torso, as he attempted to channel the lightning through Berserker's body. [@King Cosmos][@Iamme] [hr] [centre][img]https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my8xc5p9rb4.png[/img][/centre] [hr] [quote] [color=ec008c][b]"And the princess found me so easily to one's surprise."[/b][/color] the Caster spoke as she revealed herself from the rooftop behind Rider, she then leaned forward contemplating if she should go down and join them. [/quote] Princess...? She supposed she technically was if only by being a descendant of King Kertanegara, but she was never formally declared as one. Well, she was not about to correct the misconception. Thanks to her adjutant's--that is, Gajah Enggon's--antics of carving his face into a piggybank, the surviving piggybank was mistakenly thought to be of herself, and thus history now remembered her differently than in life. Which was a boon in a Holy Grail War, she supposed, as it would be less likely of someone finding out her real identity. She doubted there were many instances in history where a female was thought to be a male. So she considered herself rather lucky, in that regard. The newcomer then proceeded to convey her wishes to join the alliance. Her Moksha skill informed Gajah Mada that the intention was genuine, though rather than driven by concerns of the corrupted grail, it seemed to be more driven by the fact that she wasn't keen on taking on the three of them. Though for some reason, Gajah Mada had the feeling that this servant was somewhat fixated on her. She had little idea as to why specifically though, she was sure she had never met this woman when she was alive, at least. Gajah Mada was about to convey her observation to the group present when Lorenzo brought up an accident and proposed to use it as proof of their intention. Not a bad idea... [quote] [b][color=fff79a]"I have to confess, it hardly feels sporting to the rest of the Grail War to have a collective such as this. But I suppose I ought not to prioritize my battle lust if there is a danger of corruptive forces at play. I've no objections on principle alone to you joining, I suppose. But I'm not so clueless as to join hands with a total stranger."[/color][/b] [/quote] Gajah Mada turned to Jan, giving him a nod, [color=39b54a]"Your reluctance to trust her is a wise one. I can tell that she is less concerned with the corrupted grail than she is about fighting all three of us head-on."[/color] Turning to Caster, she spoke again, [color=39b54a]"Well, far be it for me to condemn a sound tactical decision. For the most part, only a fool would fight three servants head-on on their lonesome. However...that does bring up a question of your trustworthiness. I assume you are the masters of those spider familiars? In that case, would you agree to send some of them to the location of the accident my Master spoke of as scouts, for starters?"[/color] Of course, Gajah Mada intends to find out as much as she can from how exactly she commanded the spiders, looking for any clue to her identity. She then continued, [color=39b54a]"Also, there is one question I wish to ask of you. A vital one, if we were indeed about to work together. Suppose the Grail was indeed corrupted, and there was no way to cleanse it of its corruption. What would you do with it?"[/color] If Gajah Mada's Moksha skill discovered any signs that the servant would still be willing to use the corrupted grail, then...well, she would advocate for her to be eliminated here and now. [@GubGar][@Letter Bee][@ManyThings][@Digmata]