[color=gray][INDENT][INDENT][i] [color=white]| A Few Days Earlier |[/color] Rory waved goodnight to Lorcán, turning off the TV mid rewatch of whatever schlocky action film he could find to turn his brain off to. He stretched and rose to his feet from the communal couch, wandering into his room in just an old pair of shorts. He had left the window open, as he promised, and had shoved most of his sporting equipment under his bed and most of his dirty clothes onto the closet floor. He sat down on his bed before laying down, his legs and feet dangling off the side as the top of his head pressed against the wall. He did his best not to think too much, but as per usual failed even that simple task. A day ago, his biggest worries were if any of his crushes liked him back. Now, his biggest worry was that he'd be attending several funerals in a week with one of his closest friends being affiliated with the murders. And here he was, alive and well. [i]Groomed[/i] was the word Jim had used to describe Rory's experience. It was an apt description. Hyperion’s Children wanted [i]him[/i] in their ranks… certainly just because he was the closest they would get to the power of Hyperion. Of course, Jim wanted to use him too. And who knew what the Foundation would have planned for him. If they made Amma a Dragon, what would they make him? He sighed loudly, looking up to the ceiling as he listened closely for the familiar sound of beating wings. He didn’t have to wait long. Outside the window, he heard them. Gusts of air billowed into the room as wings beat downwards on their approach from above. Her feet were first to land on the windowsill, clad in well-worn sneakers. Tanned fingers wrapped around the casing, gripping tightly as she nimbly swung her legs inwards to rest her thighs on the sill. Her legs were bare beyond the brown cotton bike shorts she wore. Feathers rustled together, the sound louder than usual due to their rough and patchy state, as she tucked her wings in behind her. Her head leaned down and into the window, revealing her wet mess of hair from the shower she’d taken not long ago. As she laid eyes on Rory’s relaxed form she bore a small, apologetic smile. Her eyes glanced over his unscarred skin quickly. She needed to make sure that he really had been healed earlier in the day. [color=tan]“I, uh… I fell asleep in a tree.”[/color] She leaned further into the window as she pulled herself inside. Her feet touched the ground at the same moment her wings followed her in through the window. She clutched the backpack strap where it hung on her shoulder as she stood to her full height, her eyes glancing over the room. It was the first time she’d seen it from the inside. Much like her room, it looked lived in. Rory had filled it with himself, even if the floors looked suspiciously cleaner than the last time she’d spotted it from the living room. She wondered where his sports equipment had been stowed before she turned to him. Her shirt was a relic from her rogue days. An oversized tee with the words Rocky Mountain Summer Camp of ‘95 written in white over the dark green color. The neckline was stretched a bit, but otherwise there were no indications that it was as old as it told anyone who read it. The backpack she unslung from her shoulder, holding it by the sewn-on strap that indicated it had broken multiple times, was a faded dark blue with patches of multiple state parks sewn into the fabric haphazardly. She looked down at it, her hesitation obvious as she chewed on her bottom lip, before she stepped over to Rory and held it towards him. Her eyes met his again, wings shifting behind her to rest at a comfortable place on her back. [color=tan]“It’s a… peace offering.”[/color] Her gaze was anxious, but determined. She hoped that he would understand its meaning, and that he would accept it for what it meant for the both of them. She’d debated telling him to throw it away for her, like she had planned to in that desperate moment, but she couldn’t bear to part with it. [color=tan]“Could you hold onto it for me? Until after graduation?”[/color] Rory raised an eyebrow, shooting her a quizzical expression while sitting up on the edge of the bed. He reached for the strap, taking the backpack from her. It was light, seemingly empty. Was he supposed to open it and look inside? Something told him it wasn't that kind of peace offering. The realization was sudden as he had set the bag down near the foot of the bed. The fake Mei had been right. A whirl of emotions enveloped him as he recoiled from the bag. He looked back to Haven, his brow furrowed as it took him a moment to put the pieces together. She had packed a bag, ready to leave at any moment. But she was bringing it here. For him to hold on to. Until graduation. He gave a small nod in acknowledgement, nodding towards the bed next to him. He didn't have the words to express his emotions, but gave her a soft and weary smile. [Color=04cf3a]”I'll keep it safe.”[/color] Haven watched with apprehension as Rory simply set the bag down. He didn’t realize what it was. He didn’t remember what the simulation told him. She’d been fretting over it since it was mentioned to him, and he hadn’t paid it any more mind. Yet it was obvious when he connected the dots. The way that he moved himself away from it so hastily had the muscles of her shoulders tensing. The look he gave her twisted her heart and left her stomach weightless. It felt like a rejection, and yet he still invited her to sit beside him. She hadn’t expected it to go this way at all. It could have been a fight. He could have been relieved. This, somehow, felt like she had already broken his heart. Her own heart was heavy in her chest as she moved to the bed, her eyes flitting between the bag and the empty space beside Rory. She slowly pulled off her shoes before she climbed on top of the comforter. Her body turned to face him, legs criss-crossing as she took a moment to breathe and adjust her wings behind her. She wrung her hands together in her lap before she gathered the courage to speak. [color=tan]“I don’t want to run away anymore. I thought this would prove it to you, that… that I’m not going anywhere. I didn’t mean to cause you any pain.”[/color] She tilted her head to the side so she could see the emotions on his face. She wished he would say something. Even if it was to send her away. [color=tan]“I’m sorry.”[/color] Rory shook his head softly at Haven's words, a pained frown replacing his usual smile. He reached a hand over to slip into hers in her lap, giving a gentle squeeze as he met her gaze. [Color=04cf3a]”You don't… I wasn't trying to…”[/color] He paused, his tongue rubbing his cheek as he tried to parse out how to respond. This wasn't how he wanted this to go. Empathy was the route, hopefully that would work. [Color=04cf3a]”I get it. Why you would want to run. Especially since we hadn't…”[/color] He let the pause hang, filling in the gap. All the words he had felt too strong this early or too crude to describe the night they shared. But that wasn't the most important thing at that moment. [Color=04cf3a]”I appreciate the offering. I just… with everything that happened, I kind of assumed it was a lie. Or hoped it was a lie. I'm used to getting left behind. This-”[/color] He motioned towards the bag with his free hand, his other hand giving another gentle squeeze to Haven's hand with the other. [Color=04cf3a]”It… scared me a little, is all.”[/color] [color=tan]“Rory, you’re… You’re one of the reasons I want to stay.”[/color] She brought his hand up to her lips and kissed his fingers where they intertwined. His openness had her yearning to be closer to him. To comfort his fears as it would comfort her own. She moved herself closer, until her knees brushed against his thigh and hip. She looked into his clear blues, searching for the words that would bear her heart to him without moving too quickly. [color=tan]“I haven’t felt this way before… about anyone. I don’t want to let this go.”[/color] Rory gave Haven a soft smile as she got closer, moving the hand that was in her lap to support him as he leaned back slightly to make sure he could maintain eye contact with Haven comfortably. [color=04cf3a]”I know… Haven, I know. I trust you.”[/color] His smile darkened for a moment, as he began to process his own words. Haven… it couldn't be Haven. Not after what she went through. Not with everything they shared. He had to trust her. Especially if there was no one else he could trust. He tapped his thumbs on the sheets as he weighed his options. It wasn't fair to bring her into this. But she was clever. She'd find out he was up to something regardless. [Color=04cf3a]”Look, Haven… Jim asked me to help out with the investigation into what happened at the Trials. He…”[/color] Rory paused, his eyes turning towards the opposite wall as he weighed his options. His eyes landed on a group photo of Blackjack sitting on his shelf: a posed picture from the end of the last semester. Tad had taken it for them. Rory's fingers clutched at the sheets, knuckles white as he closed his eyes. If Tad was right… someone on the team had been responsible for all of this. [Color=04cf3a]”He doesn't know who could be involved. Wants me to fill in for Tad while he recovers, and sit in on some meetings. I just… need to figure out if I can handle something like that.”[/color] Rory shook his head slightly, small tears welling in the corners of his eyes. He hated having to do it this way… but he couldn't let down Thaddeus when he finally needed Blackjack for a change. The relief Haven felt as he admitted his trust lifted the weight off of her heart. Those three words, she realized, meant more to her than the others that had been on her mind. So when he pulled his hand away from her, she didn’t notice how he also pulled his emotions away with him. She listened to him speak, her head tilting to the right as his words gathered in her mind. So this was what Jim was speaking of earlier. It seemed to weigh on Rory’s mind; enough that his stress was showing physically. Her own heart saddened as she thought of Tad as he lied in critical care. She couldn’t imagine how Jessica was feeling now. Her fingers twitched in her lap, wanting to reach out to him, but something about his last words had her holding back. She couldn’t tell if he was talking about the investigation, or if he was talking about their newly budding feelings for each other. She didn’t want it to be the latter, and yet the tears that pricked at the corner of his eyes suggested it. She heard the room beside Rory’s become quiet. Lorcán and Aurora seemed to have fallen asleep by now. She’d noticed her friend’s voice earlier, but she’d been too distracted to mention Lorcán had a visitor in the other room. The silence gave her a moment to think so that her heart didn’t immediately assume the worst. [color=tan]“They didn’t… catch all of them?”[/color] She started slowly, her mind still too sluggish from the day to fully comprehend what he was saying. The implication that whoever had been behind the attack still remained free had her wanting to support Rory, or Jim and Tad, in any way she could. [color=tan]“I think you should do whatever you can to help Jim… and I’m glad that he feels like he can rely on you to fill in while Tad recovers.”[/color] She offered him a small smile, even as a sad feeling kept the dimples in her cheeks from appearing with it. [color=tan]“I’m here if you need help. With anything.”[/color] Of course she was too clever for him. Haven knew a little too much as it was then, and talking about the investigation further… Rory knew it was a ticking time bomb. But the thing he had been too numb and jaded to realize was the subtle undertones of fear. It was concerning that at least one member of Hyperion’s Children was walking free, and was close to them. Rory felt his heart-rate rise, if only for a moment, as the gravity of a traitor in their midst was finally settling in. For now… the only thing he could do that would be honest was to offer comfort. Rory offered a small nod of thanks, leaning his body over towards her. He lifted his arms up to hold Haven’s shoulders, giving them a squeeze as he locked eyes with her. [color=04cf3a]”No one is messing with you on my watch, Wings.”[/color] His face was serious, even if his tone was a touch more playful. He accentuated the point by leaning ever closer, planting a soft kiss on her forehead and wrapping her in a light hug. [color=04cf3a]”If I get in over my head, I’ll let you know.”[/color] Rory’s promise, paired with her favorite nickname he’d given her, had her heart fluttering. She was relieved to know that he still had her back even if he was going to be distracted with his own path. She could already see the distance in his gaze as he looked at her, and it seemed like she’d need to gather all of the patience and courage she had to hold her feelings in until they were both ready to admit them. The kiss to her forehead soothed her if only for a fleeting moment. Her eyes closed as he pulled her into the hug. She knew he’d do all he could to keep her safe. Even if it meant putting his own feelings on the sidelines until he saw fit to acknowledge them. Yet as she thought of the promise he’d just made, the words of a certain red haired Foundation transfer crashed into her peaceful state like a bird into a clean window. She reluctantly withdrew from the hug, even though she desperately craved to be held and comforted further. What she was about to say was best said face to face. It would only add more to his mental load, but she wanted to make sure he understood her. Her hands wrapped around one of his, her eyes as cloudy as a stormy day. [color=tan]“I think I have more to worry about than Hyperion’s children, Rory.”[/color] Her voice was low, as if she feared they were listening in. She looked down at their hands, her thumb tracing his knuckles. Pieces of her drying hair fell around her face to shroud the contours of her round cheeks. [color=tan]“Before the trial… Alyssa told me that some of the Foundation students just went missing over time. Like they just disappeared. Students like me, who-”[/color] Her breath hitched as she found it hard to utter the words [color=tan]“- Who they call sub-class.”[/color] She still couldn't look him in the eyes. It was hard to also put this burden on his shoulders, but he needed to know about it. Just in case... [color=tan]“If I disappear too… I want you to know that I didn’t run away. That they might have something to do with it.”[/color] Of all the things Rory felt, seething rage was the most pronounced at Haven's warning. Sorrow and concern were also present… but the adrenaline of the day paved a road for anger to be most pronounced. Part of him wanted to get up and find Torres that instant, and fight his way through all the Foundation Force to get to her. His nostrils flared, and his jaw tightened. His voice, too, was low. But his tone was more vicious than fearful. [Color=04cf3a]”They would be making a royal mistake if they tried that here, Haven.”[/color] He paused, taking a breath before just shaking his head and trying to let the anger dissipate. He traced a thumb along the back of her hand, treasuring the feeling of connection. The awful feelings seeped down into his chest, his shoulders slumping a little under invisible weight. [Color=04cf3a]”This year isn't starting how I wanted it to.”[/color] The tone of voice immediately gave Haven the courage to look into his eyes. Her eyes cast upwards, chills running down her spine and through her wings to the tip of her primaries as she saw the subtle rage within his expression. She was surprised that he felt so passionately about it, considering the power that the Foundation had over them. Compared to it and its people in power, she felt like a sparrow in a world of vultures. Rory on the other hand, with his ability allowing him to even the playing field so easily with will alone, stood a chance against it. She didn’t expect him to do it in her name, and yet knowing that he’d threaten such an organization just for her filled her heart to the brim. Reality seeped in sooner than she would have liked, and she found her wings and shoulders slumping as he did the same. Would there be anything left of her to save by the time he found her? [color=tan]“At least we have each other… and the team. I don’t think I’d be able to do it without you.”[/color] She meant it with her entire soul and body. Her thumb rest over his, stilling his movements momentarily. [color=tan] “Do you want to just… lay together until we sleep? I just want to be close to you.”[/color] Rory nodded quietly. He didn't have the energy or desire for anything more than that... and barely had the energy for words at this point. He stretched himself out, lying down next to Haven and settling himself in. The only thing he wanted, in that moment, was to stop feeling alone. [/i][/INDENT][/INDENT][CENTER][COLOR=04cf3a][sup]________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/sup][/COLOR][img]https://i.imgur.com/uxnptlQ.jpg[/img] [/CENTER][indent][sub][COLOR=04cf3a][B]Location:[/B][/COLOR] [I]Canis Dormitory, P.R.C.U. Campus - Dundas Island, Pacific Ocean[/I][/sub][sup][right][COLOR=04cf3a][b]Take on Me #3.017:[/b][/COLOR] [color=white][I][b]The Lying Man[/b][/I][/color][/right][/sup][/indent][COLOR=04cf3a][SUP][sub]____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/sub][/SUP][/COLOR][INDENT][sub][color=04cf3a][B]Interaction(s):[/B][/COLOR] [I]Haven - [@Skai], Jim O'Neil - [@Lord Wraith][/I][/sub][SUP][RIGHT][COLOR=2c2c2c][b]Previously:[/b][/COLOR] [color=2c2c2c][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5535466][I]Dragon[/I][/url][/color][/right][/SUP] [INDENT] After all this time, and Rory Tyler still couldn't quite get the knot in his tie neat. It was a little crooked, and was pulled a bit too tight. He somehow had a way of screwing up even a simple Four-in-Hand knot. But, given he had finally gotten the length right on the third attempt, he'd settle for it. Rory looked himself over in the mirror: he had opted for the school uniform, minus the blazer. He had heard the mumblings about the dress code, the announcements, and even he could tell this had something to do with the recent "audit" by the Foundation. It was a small rebellion, if it could be called that, to stick with the dress code as much as possible. Of course, he kept his sleeves rolled up on his shirt: he needed a bit of comfort, after all. Rory looked about the room, sighing as he tossed a hastily discarded set of boxers into a pop-up mesh hamper near the door. It was overflowing, a combination of mostly his clothes... though he recognized a shirt or two of hers mixed in. In better circumstances, he would be overflowing with emotions he wouldn't even be able to name. But in this moment, he just felt a little cold. Haven had gone back to her dorm to change and get ready. His small room somehow felt large without her presence hogging up the bed. Rory closed the window to his room, grabbed his backpack, and a water bottle, and began his hike across campus. Classes didn't start for a bit, but he had a pit stop to make on the way. [hr] Rory took a deep sigh as he stood in front of the Administration Building. He felt an impending dread rising into his throat as he approached. He had been here a number of times, mostly to help out his Aunt. But here, he couldn't help but feel like he was betraying his friends. At the same time, he knew this was the only way he could protect them. So, he took the plunge. Rory knew his way to Jim's office well, giving a small nod to any faculty and staff he passed. He had his usual bright smile plastered on his face like a shield... or a mask. He gave a couple quick knocks at Jim's office door. [color=04cf3a]"O'Neil... it's Rory. I'm here about the, uh-"[/color] Rory stretched out the pause, trying to find some clever cover story. Drawing a blank, he settled for vague. [color=04cf3a]"The thing."[/color] [color=white]"Enter."[/color] Jim replied waiting for the door to open before beckoning Rory to take a seat in front of his desk. Looking over his reading glasses at Rory while the young man took a seat, Jim put down the pen held in his mechanical hand. While most of the school had switched to digital technology, there was still something about the feel and smell of ink on paper that Jim preferred. [color=white]"I suppose y'all have made a decision then?"[/color] He asked, leaning back in the tall leather chair he occupied. [Color=04cf3a]"I did."[/color] Rory sat down in the chair, his hands resting on his knees as his thumbs tapped nervously to a rhythm neither of them could hear. [Color=04cf3a]"I don't like it. I don't want to do this. I don't even know if I believe one of us could side with Hyperion after the shit he did to us. But I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I didn't check this out. I'm willing to take the lead on this... and fill in for Tad."[/color] While his hands betrayed his nervous demeanor, the rest of his body sat straight in his chair. His voice was unwavering. Of course, something bugged him. [Color=04cf3a]"Did Tad explain why he thought someone in Blackjack might have been involved with Hyperion's Children?"[/color] [color=white]"He didn't have time,"[/color] Jim replied, [color=white]"Unfortunately by the time I was aware of what Thaddeus was looking into, he was already in the state in which he remains,"[/color] The older man took a long pause. [color=white]"House Orcinus, the Hyperion's Children cell that was operating here on Pacific Royal, had a code phrase for greeting each other. 'The winds are blowing', which would then be responded by someone in the know with 'But the surface is still.' What we do know at this time, is before he was injured, Thaddeus was testing the validity of that passphrase."[/color] [color=white]"Ms. Rivers has tried to look into his mind and his memories to see where he had heard it, but all we've been able to confirm was that it was during the construction of the Trial and with Robert Arkwright present. Unfortunately, the identity of the Blackjack member is skewed in Thaddeus' mind currently,"[/color] Jim continued to explain, [color=white]"Robert Arkwright is in the wind as it currently stands, so I'm 'fraid that's where the trail goes cold. It would appear that Michael Tableau at least had the foresight to keep members' identities hidden from one another. Interrogation of those apprehended also hasn't turned up any leads. Which is why we need y'all, they clearly thought they could make an ally of y'all."[/color] Jim stifled a chuckle. [color=white]"Cahors I'd get, y'all however, I know y'all Rory. Y'all are good people, not the kind Hyperion typically targeted. The only thing I can think of is they wanted y'all for your abilities, a sort of figurehead to usher in as the new Hyperion."[/color] [Color=04cf3a]"Right... so our best lead is a ghost in the breeze..."[/color] Rory sighed, his face grave as he folded his arms and furrowed his brow. The fact that Jim also had a feeling that Orcinus was trying to recruit him and make him a figurehead sent chills down his spine. The thought had crossed his mind in the simulation: his "tests" seemed geared for a particular outcome. Compared to what Haven went through, and what little he had heard of the others... he had gotten off easy. After all, Amma had seemed properly broken when she- [Color=04cf3a]"Wait... they were trying to win me over in the simulation. Were we able to record footage or data on what everyone went through in the simulation? Were the techs monitoring us the whole time?"[/color] Rory leaned forward in his seat, hands gripping the arm rests tightly as he dialed in fully. [color=white]"Yeah, the entire simulation was monitored, we cut the broadcast to the campus but we have it."[/color] Jim replied, [color=white]"Techs have signed a confidentiality agreement, but I can get y'all access if there's something y'all think would be helpful. I warn ye, a lot of it is hard on the stomach. Y'all may want someone with you before watching Miss Barnes' experiences."[/color] Rory gave a nod, his knuckles white on the armchair, before he released his grip and sat with his back to the chair. [Color=04cf3a]"Yeah... I don't even know if it'll turn anything up. It's just a theory... a rough idea."[/color] Rory took a deep breath, before finally approaching the more dreaded subject. [Color=04cf3a]"As for filling in for Tad... what do you need from me, coach?"[/color] [color=white]"In essence it's an administrative role, y'all are adults now so there's a lot of less of corralling the team. You'd be responsible for managing morale, ensuring everyone is staying atop of their school work and that their needs are met. Essentially y'll would be acting as their agent of success. If this was a freshman class, y'all be in charge of making sure they were fed and had their naps but Blackjack is on the verge of being kicked out of the nest."[/color] Jim explained, [color=white]"Thaddeus was looking forward to a hands-off year. They're old enough now that y'all shouldn't have to worry about keeping them alive. On task and focused, well y'all know them even better than I do."[/color] Jim offered a knowing but sympathetic smile. Rory let go a small sigh of relief. Administrative work wasn't too bad. Boosting morale would take more out of him emotionally than nor al, but it was doable. [Color=04cf3a]"Keep everyone on track... I can do that."[/color] He slowly rose to his feet, giving Jim a playful two finger salute. [Color=04cf3a]"Roger that, chief... I'll give it my best."[/color] [color=white]"I know y'all will make me proud,"[/color] Jim replied, beckoning Rory goodbye, [color=white]"Don't let me take anymore of y'all time. Y'all know where to find me if you need anything."[/color] Rory gave a nod as he left, a cold feeling in his chest. Going into this year, he finally felt like he understood and belonged somewhere. He felt like he had a family that cared for him and that he could be honest and open with. Now, he just had to find someone else like him. He had to find a liar. [/INDENT][/INDENT][/color]