"Ahh. Hey, no need to run away." Camila said as she lowered her phone, slightly disappointed they all ran from her. Then, she saw the Paras moving close to her in a somewhat aggressive fashion. "W-woah there you guys! I'm harmless!" The assistant struggled to get out before quickly sitting on the grassy ground with her legs crossed. She took the position to seem a bit more on the level with the bug Pokemon. "I was just taking a picture of you guys because you guys were cute working together." Camila mentioned, figuring the Pokemon probably would quite understand her anyway. She put her hands up in a suggestion of her not being a danger. Thrn, she had a thought. She reached for her phone and pulled up one of the pictures she had taken. It was one of thr Ledyba giving berries to the Paras. She would show the bug Pokemon her phonescreen. "See? Just documenting you guys being cute together." She really hoped this worked. If worst came to worst she'd quickly reach for Snow's pokeball and release the Pokemon to defend her.