[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/barett-street-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240708/bafc8a8b66b326e3480f0c5a641d6cf0.png[/img][/url][/center] [hr] Location: The Convention Center, outside Interactions: [@ManyThings] Ardent [@shylarah] Amune [@Blizz] Wiseman [color=AC42BF] "This is Bastion, I'm on scene outside the convention center. I was able to listen in on the communication. Where am I needed?" [/color] Benji said while halting his car with a harsher stop than he would normally had liked. But the situation was rather pressing, as there are villains on the loose. [color=ac42bf] "Our targets are the drones and the Fiendish Five, yes? There sure are a lot of civilians around. We got a contingency plan for them? I can't possibly shield them all should shit pop off out here..." [/color] Benji continued, stepping out of his car while putting on a bluetooth ear piece that is connected to his holo-watch. Being one of the older heroes, Benji has at least some idea of what the other heroes present can do. Having been able to listen in on the director's earlier briefing, he also knows who are all present. [color=ac42bf] "Wiseman, or Amune for that propose, where am I needed or where should I go?" [/color] Benji paused for a moment, trying his best to spot any familiar heroes around him. [color=ac42bf] "Not trying to give out orders or anything, but, Ardent, which building are you looking to set up on? I can try to be close to cover you in case Doc Holiday really tries to shoot you down..."[/color] Benji said, doing his best to blend into the crowd as just another bystander.