[@PKMNB0Y] [center][h2][color=8dc73f]Fran[/color][/h2][/center] [center][h3]Hillside Hamlet[/h3][/center] [quote]"...Those things were not unlike the Mist. A curse befouling the land itself... I suppose that even in this realm, mortals would seek to defile nature,"[/quote] [color=8dc73f]"....Ah."[/color], Fran replied to Maokai's words, in a surprisingly understanding tone. Whether it was in her world or another, magus or otherwise, it didn't matter. There will be those be those who will tamper with forces they do not understand. More often than not, to the detriment of either the world around them...or its denizens. For Maokai, it led to the desecration and corruption of his home, apparently. For Fran...it resulted in a doomed existence filled with heartache and sorrow. The berserker tilted her head down and sighed, feeling dejected. Yeah...she and the sentient tree definitely have something in common.