[quote=@RoadkilBanana] Would someone please explain to me magic stuff? I was planning on using a kind of healing magic, but I don't know if I can make my own spells or not... [/quote] gimme a few mins to find what Zeroth typed up for me regarding magic, but yea u could do whatever u wanted. lots of the characters rn have made-up magic types but ur rlly only limited as far as ur creativity goes/who u want ur character to be [h2]EDIT:[/h2] [quote=@Zeroth][hider=Magic in Black Clover] 1. Everyone in the world, barring weird exceptions like Asta, has "Mana." Mana, like any other chi/chakra/spirit energy system, exists within all creatures, plants, the environment, etc. Some people are born with more than others, and it's assumed that through marriage alliances the Nobles and Royals got to be that way because they keep the "good magic genes" in the bloodlines. 2. Magic CAN be used without a Grimoire, but it's weak and unstable. Think stuff like chopping firewood, watering the garden, using telekinesis to carry small objects. At the age of 15, every child in the kingdom is allowed to attend a Grimoire Acceptance Ceremony. We have no idea exactly how the grimoires are made or how the whole system came to be, but that's just how it works. Once they have a grimoire, they can exert much more control over their magic and cast stronger spells. 3. A grimoire is a spellbook of varying size, shape, and number of pages. Typically, those with "stronger" magic will have a more robust grimoire in some capacity. There's one guy who had tons of magic power, but his grimoire only had a single page--the single spell he could use, however, was extremely versatile and in some ways quite OP. As a person grows and develops, both naturally and through training, new spells will appear in their grimoire. They CAN copy spells from other sources as well, IF it matches their own magic, but I don't think we've seen it happen more than once in canon, if that. 4. Originally there were four base elements, Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind. These, and a few types like Plant Magic and so forth, are the same "natural" kinds of mana that's found in the environment. But people's magic has grown more complex over time, so your "Attribute/Element" can be just about anything you can theme a powerset around. Like my character Tristan--his grandparents had Earth and Fire magic, so his dad had a "mix" that resulted in Iron magic. Then his mother had Wood magic, so I justified the mix of all those "crafty" elements becoming Sword magic--like putting a stick and two iron bars on a table in Minecraft, lol. Don't worry about explaining every element in your character's family tree if you don't think it's needed, lol. 5. No matter what Attribute your magic has, it can have just about any Form. The Form of magic is basically "what it does." Any Magic can be used for Offense, Healing, Creation, etc, as long as you can somehow tie it into the elemental theme. For instance, Lightning Healing Magic might take the form of a spell that makes them feel "charged up!" You could visually represent it by like, surrounding them with a magical electrical pulse that resembles an EKG or something. Fire Weakening Magic might follow the theme of "burning away a target's strength," by putting a little floating flame over their head that slowly gets bigger as they wear down over time, but doesn't physically harm them. There's some indication that certain elements are better at certain things--Earth Magic is probably better at building a defensive wall than Water Magic, for instance--but a mage can still use almost any Form provided they've practiced the skill. Most mages specialize in one or two forms, but highly skilled mages may have several more. Oh, also, there's "Reinforcement Magic" which seems to be a non elemental or at least general type of skill basically everyone can use--it's what allows characters to move faster, withstand getting hit by other magics, and other stuff they need to be able to do in order to have fights last longer than whoever gets a spell off first.[/hider] [/quote]