[center] [hr] [hr] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjk2LmEwNTlmYS5UR1Z1WVEsLC4x/janda-celebration-script.regular.webp[/img] [hr] [hr] Humming softly, the raven haired woman lazily finished off the bottle, not being one for believing in saving wine once it was opened. Perhaps it was the heat from the hot spring or the wine going to her head, but the soft fluttering of wings was missed upon her and at the sound of another's voice the raven haired woman jumped knocked out of her daze as she spun around looking for the source. The clattering of glass as she knocked over the empty wine bottle, frowning slightly as she remembered it was gone. A pity. It was sweet and bitter, a taste of home she had in this foreign town she was trying to redeem herself in. Spinning twice she continued to look before blue eyes landed on a pair of feet. [i][color=#A059FA]A pair of feet?[/color][/i] A confused look on her face before giggling at herself and looking upwards taking in the man perched above her. [color=#A059FA]"Pretty."[/color] What was meant to be a thought slipped out between her lips as the realization that a random man, with wings, had appeared out of nowhere and was talking to her. She only hoped that the heat rising to her face would be mistaken from being in the spring for too long as she quickly submerged herself a little farther into the water, a feeble attempt to cover herself. [color=#A059FA]"Oh! Um Hello. Who are you? W-wait no, you said you name already, Sorry."[/color] A quick stammered reply, soft and laced with the warm tones of Aurelia but not as prominent as those hailing from it's capital. A inward groan as Lena tried to pull herself together enough to have a decent conversation with the strange man, her eyes shifting from his face to the wings nestled behind them enamored by the way the moonlight shimmered on them. If he had wings it would mean he was a blight born, the thought sending a small spike of panic through her that was just as quickly washed away as her mind was far more interested in why he was here, and where he came from.Distracted once again, she shook her head trying to focus as both her thoughts and eyes wandered. [color=#A059FA]"Pleiades right? I don't think I've seen you before, I would definitely remembered if I had."[/color] Another slip of the tongue as she quickly looked away, a habit she had when she spoke her thoughts. Having been told one too many times that she was the type to say whatever first came to her mind.[color=#A059FA]"You can call me Lena. But where did you come from? I didn't hear anyone walk over."[/color] A bright smile as she tilted her head, the thought of him having simply flown in never once crossing her mind, a slight annoyance building that she had to keep looking up at him. Convincing herself that it was rather rude to continue having a conversation this way. If he wanted to talk he should just come join her. A flicker of amusement dancing behind her eyes as she was just drunk enough to be bold enough. [color=#A059FA]"Are you not cold up there? It's warmer in the springs."[/color] A swift motion, and a gentle yank followed by a rather large splash. Pleased with how well she was able to manage that even in her current state. All thoughts of how much she just exposed herself gone as her mind focused on how cold his hand was compared to hers. It felt nice in her hand. A smug satisfied look on her face as she grinned over at him happy that they were face to face. [color=#A059FA]"See isn't this better? Conversation should be had while properly looking at each other."[/color] [hr] Interaction [@The Savant] Pleiades [/center]