[center][h1][b][color=purple]Pia[/color][/b][/h1][/center] [hr] Pia listened to the old man. Just more questions. No matter where they went, wjo they met or what they heard. It was just more questions. Pia wasn't confused by the old man's fear. Maybe it was better she kept moving qithout a break. The adreneline was keeping her moving forward. Keeping her focused and sane. She *wanted* to be allowed the luxury to snap. But she knew that would be the end. This man was a cautionary tale for what could happen to any of them if they stopped for long enough to allow themselves enough time to think. The scientists were angry with them before they lost their memories, and now they're pleased. Pia assumed because of the abilities that had awakened. That was the difference she could think of. Were the scientists the ones responsible for the memory loss in the first place? For putting them in the pods? And was the old men like them? An experiment with his memories erased. His words regarding the haunting memories struck a chord with Pia. [color=purple]"And, do you know what they did to us?"[/color] Pia added to A's questions.