[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240704/15c5dce39db5f4bba3924f90f056f479.png[/img][/center] [quote][sub][color=PaleTurquoise] Johnstone Convention Center. New Athens, Castleburg. Interacts With: Oracle [@shylarah], Blast [@Hitman], Ardent [@ManyThings], Wiseman [@Blizz] [/color][/sub][/quote] [hr] [color=PaleTurquoise]"Oh, so 'Oracle' is the hero name you decided to go with, huh? I like it! It's a cool name!"[/color] Replied Madison, taking another bite of her hot dog. She swallowed, then looks from Wiseman back to Oracle. [color=PaleTurquoise]"I don't think it'll be anything with too much pressure. It did seem urgent but he asked for anybody who was free, rather than requesting any of the experienced Heroes inside the convention specifically come help him. If he called us for something we absolutely cannot mess up, he sure went about it in a rather wierd way."[/color] It was then that Oracle introduced the two of them to the mythical 'Jareth' she'd always talked about at the Academy. Or, she supposed, 'Terraformer'. Also a cool hero name. She shook his hand when offered, and was about to retort something playful like 'Oh? What did she say?' when she noticed Powers approaching in a suit and went silent as he stole her attention. He threw a broken robot to the floor and explained the reason they'd been summoned. An espionage drone had been tailing Powers. There was a strong possibility somebody was planning something at the speech. They were here as additional security, to make sure nobody wil ill intent caused an incident or put people in danger. Powers initially suggested that due to her high mobility, to search from high. Madison had not brought her hero costume to change into. She didn't think she'd need it. She began thinking about how she'd go about doing that while at the same time listening to everybody else's input. Wiseman, by analysing the drone, identified that the villians who were behind tailing Powers with the drone were the Fiendish Five. Madison had heard of them. They executed their plans together so this was unlikely to be Gholem working solo. She viewed the ICOSA files that had just appeared on her watch. What she was most focused on where their faces, and their powers. Holiday was a sniper and Jellyfish travelled by water, and the drones had hitherto only been observing Powers, lacking the ability to be a credible threat directly. If any of them were going to try to enter the convention directly to cause trouble up close, it would be Albino or Lady Blade. Amuné used her own powers to tell them all something more alarming. The five were on the move. They were not afforded the luxury of prep time. There was yet more strategizing which was going over Madison's head. She was typically an incident responder, and didn't have much experience fighting villains directly. The others were either much more seasoned Heroes, or had abilities that helped them to contribute. Madison listened with a troubled expression on her face as she finished eating the hot dog. That's when Ardent said something to her. He said she blended in really well. Immediately, Madison knew how she could help out the best way. [color=PaleTurquoise]"It would be really easy for somebody to sneak into the convention hall undetected today of all days if they wanted to. There aren't any drones around us right now so none of them will assume I'm a Hero, looking and dressing like this. I'll stay on the ground, station myself around the entrace and will discreetly alert you all if I spot anyone before trying to keep them busy."[/color]