[b][color=f6989d]Sister Marta Rocha[/color] Diamond Island Convention and Exhibition Center, The City of Phnom Penh - 11/11/2022[/b] [color=f6989d]"Speaking of kinetic times- "[/color] Stepping to the side, the Sister grips the back of an office desk and [i]heaves [/i]it forward. With an ear-splitting crack of polished wood being subject to sudden and unexpected ballistic stress, a formerly disk-shaped object slams into a group of soldiers and sends them flying straight through the back wall. [color=f6989d]"- you don't have to tell me twice, Noel! Consider them held back!"[/color] This said, she grins impishly as she aims an errant mug she found. [i]That's the fun thing about this left arm[/i], she thought. [i]Everything I can grab is artillery[/i].