[color=92278f][b]Cristina[/b][/color] If there is one thing Cristina will regret on this day, it is not helping Callie, if she helped her capture or kill her father they might’ve got a convenient scapegoat for this mess. But that thought is not here or there because once again they are getting surrounded. [hr] Cristina took one look at the situation with unphased composure, she is tired but she still has a few more air left in her tank thanks to Qingshe’s lessons. Not that she can say the same thing to her allies. One quick peek made it clear to her, these soldiers are here to go for the kill and one mistake will mean her end. She took a deep breath as he looked at Myron, [color=92278f]“When I say three, get out and run for your lives.”[/color] she declared. [color=92278f][b]“One”[/b][/color] She then created half-dozen Blinding Stars as their cover was beginning to give way against overwhelming firepower. [color=92278f][b]“Two”[/b][/color] She launched the light in different directions each assaulting the eyes of the unfortunate soldiers who looked. [color=92278f][b]“Three”[/b][/color] The freelancer disappeared and suddenly the room was filled with silence, giving Myron and Berto the chance to flee. [hr] Mirage Space Cristina looked from above as the confused soldiers stopped firing, the loud one must be their leader. She immediately warped to his back and sent his head flying away before disappearing. She is not trapped with them. In this space, they are the ones trapped with her.