[@PaulHaynek] [@The Irish Tree] (VIV) [@AzureKnight] (VRA) [quote]"You girls fought pretty hard. You fought to win. I could feel all that in our spar. But what I can't figure out is why? Why fight this hard for an island with no yokai and whose denizens hate you? You three could be out there living... I don't know, peaceful lives literally anywhere else. There are no riches here. Nor is the island strategic, I think. Yokai only come here for men, and I can feel that none of you are particularly looking. And you three do realize that no matter what he says, Takeshi can just stab you in the backs once the Varjans are vanquished. Right? You have to know that. None of you are stupid."[/quote] [color=00aeef]"Well no shit, pretty boy. We definitely don't expect an island of bigots to have the integrity, honor and gratitude to not try and murder the ones who bothered to help them out of the hole they found themselves in."[/color], Zeka retorted, quick as a whip. [color=00aeef]"My reasons aren't as eloquent as Vivi over here but are far simpler. One reason is the opportunity to steal from those who actually deserve to be stolen from. Varjan artifacts are highly sought after and people would pay a handsome penny to get their hands on them. Wouldn't be much of thief if I turned down such tempting payday offer, huh? And the other reason is...Well..."[/color] The mouse girl put her hands in her pockets and shrugged, looking away in thought. [color=00aeef]"...You needed help. Even if you hate our existence, as pointlessly stupid as that is."[/color]