[color=990099]"Technically she'll be your sister once I make an honest woman out of her."[/color] Camilla said while giving Liz a look. [color=99d6ff]"Stop it..."[/color] Liz giggled. [color=99d6ff]"We're on a mission. But you're right and I can still be a spider. Just a bioelectric one. Also I like Spinderella. Sounds like a badass princess."[/color] Cassie silently watched the exchange. She loved her sisters. She still hadn't decided on taking her gift from Santa Claus. She didn't mind not having a voice. It helped her appreciate and stay in the moment more. She shook her head when Dani jumped out before them. That was her little sister. She jumped after her to make sure she was okay swinging to take down the first Ultron Bots she saw with precision based strikes. Camilla and Liz kissed before following them both down. [color=5f68ab]"Uh... Tony, what the Hell is going on?"[/color] The confused Hawkeye asked readying and aiming an arrow at an incoming Ultron Bot. The other Avengers started getting over the shock and preparing themselves for battle as well. It was fortunate that they were already suited up, well all except for Tony and the retired Hank Pym. Tony stood in his normal suit in shock. He couldn't believe what was happening. He and Hank may have just caused the apocalypse. Hank was trying to get his attention, yelling in his ear, but his words fell on deaf ears. Tony was having a panic attack. None of his failures had been this astronomical. Captain America scanned the situation and decided to act immediately. [color=0000ff]"That doesn't matter, Barton. What matters is protecting the civilians and stopping the threat. Pym, get inside! Avengers Asse----."[/color] [color=669999]"Young Avengers Assemble!"[/color] Iron Lad called out as he, Spider-Woman, Lucy in the Sky, Dagger, Gert and Old Lace rushed on the scene interrupting Captain America's moment. The sound of his friend and co-leader's voice as well as someone copying their phrase brought Tony back to the present. He pressed a button on his watch and waited as a suit of armor formed around his body. [color=FF4500]"You heard the man, Hank. Get inside. I'm okay and I'm sorry. You warned me."[/color] He rushed towards Ultron but he passed straight through him and Vision. Vision didn't seem to want his fight interrupted or for any humans to get in the crossfire in this Battle of Androids that would decide the fate of the world. Vision lifted them up above the tower so they could be alone. [color=73A121]"No one can interrupt us here."[/color] Vision said pushing Ultron away from him. [color=silver]"You do realize that some of them are capable of flight, yes?"[/color] Ultron asked confident that he was talking to an imbecile. [color=73A121]"Yes, but your friends are occupying them, yes? I said I am your Doom. I do not intend to share that title."[/color] The two charged towards each other in a powerful and loud clash. Meanwhile on the ground, Iron Man and Iron Lad were taking on a group of Ultron Bots together. [color=FF4500]"You know I should sue you after all of this is over, right?"[/color] Iron Man asked as he blasted an Ultron Bot. [color=669999]"Huh? Why?"[/color] Nathan asked while blasting away another. [color=FF4500]"You stole my whole flow, kid. The suit of armor, Young Avengers, and you even have a better android than me and he's kicking mine's ass."[/color] [color=669999]"Of course he is. I used some of your tech to do it. Plus you taught me everything you know."[/color] [color=FF4500]"Wait, what?"[/color] Tony was confused now. He didn't remember tutoring some kid to be his pupil, sidekick or partner. The closest thing he had to a partner was Rhodey, but he was more of a soldier than a hero of the people. He knew he'd get there though. While Tony was distracted by his thoughts an Ultron Bot snuck up behind him and was about to shoot him, but Nathan blasted it first. [color=669999]"I'm from the future where your team lost against Ultron and his army. You survived and helped lead a resistance. Well, actually the Spider-Twins, the X-Men, and my parents did. You joined last. You were consumed by your guilt before my powers manifested."[/color] To demonstrate he reached out his arm and told an Ultron Bot to fight the others for them. [color=FF4500]"Wow. A technopath. That's a lot to take in, kid. We can talk more about it later. What do you call yourself?"[/color] [color=669999]"Iron Lad, but my name's Nathaniel Richards."[/color] [color=FF4500]"I don't really like Lad. You seem more like a Knight to me."[/color] Scott Lang's Ant-Man and Hope van Dyne's Wasp joined Gert and Old Lace in their battle against Ultron Bots. Scott could barely focus. He jumped on Old Lace's head to ride her. [color=d30026]"Dude. I can't believe you have a dinosaur! This is both the craziest and happiest day of my life."[/color] [color=7d4821]"Now's not the time for that!"[/color] Hope yelled while blasting an Ultron Bot with her stingers. [color=1aff8c]"Is he always like this?"[/color] Gert asked unamused by the adult here. All adults seemed to be let downs lately. [color=7d4821]"Yeah..."[/color] Hope said clearly in love with the idiot. While they were having fun Dagger and Black Widow were standing back to back launching light daggers and electric darts at Ultron Bots. Dagger then formed two swords of light giving Black Widow one of them. [color=ccffff]"Here's something a little more fun."[/color] [color=f0e3d3]"Oh, I like you."[/color] Black Widow said charging the Ultron Bots in front of her. Thor and Hulk partnered together to clear the area. Hulk smashed and bashed Ultron Bots together while Thor escorted civilians out of the area and keeping a smile tornado behind them to block any incoming Ultron Bots. Meanwhile Caty and Karolina were fighting some Ultron Bots together. Spider-Woman was taking the ones on the ground while Lucy in the Sky was blasting Ultron Bots out of the air. They were near Liz and Camilla who were in perfect sync. Their SHIELD training was paying off and showing well, but it was also more than that. It was clear that they had amazing chemistry, romantic chemistry. Caty noticed this. The way they looked was exactly how she had imagined how she and Liz would look once she discovered she had powers. She had to shake the thought out of her head. She didn't blame them for becoming a couple after spending all of that time together. She was actually happy for them. Her Liz died on the bridge that day. Even if this was still the Liz she knew, she was reborn. She had a new life to live. If Caty were being honest this was a relief to her. [hr] [center][h2][b]Earlier that Day[/b][/h2][/center] After spending all night building Ultron and part of the morning filling him in about the world, the plan, and what it's like being a hero as well as a person Caty was dead tired. She wanted to sleep all day, but knew that she couldn't. They had to fight Ultron at 6, but she could at least get a nap in. She couldn't fight robots and celestial beings back to back without that. She walked to the room that Nathan said was hers and opened the door to find Karolina waiting for her with a personal chocolate birthday cake. [color=E137E3]"You... For me?"[/color] Caty asked, perplexed. [color=ffec80]"You told me it was your favorite. Happy Birthday, Catherine Davis."[/color] Karolina said with a warm, loving smile. [color=ffec80]"I know this isn't how you planned to spend your birthday. Helping us stop our parents and deities hellbent on destroying life as we know it, stopping a robot apocalypse, and becoming a mother to an android. It's a lot, but I'm glad you and I get to spend your birthday together again and I just want to make sure you know there's no curse that prevents you from having a good time on your birthday."[/color] [color=E137E3]"A curse that prevents me from having a good time on every holiday. Not Valentine's Day and Easter though surprisingly. I guess even evil takes a break for love and Jesus."[/color] Karolina laughed before lighting the birthday candles that spelt out 17. [color=ffec80]"Come over here and make a wish."[/color] Caty practically leapt towards Karolina and her cake. She only had one wish. For her, her family and friends to all be happy and safe. She blew her candles out and moved the cake out of the way so she could hug Karolina. Karolina accepted the hug placing the cake on a nearby table before kissing Caty on the lips. Caty didn't stop her. After the two finished eating cake and talking they cuddled together in bed. [color=E137E3]"There's something I need to tell you, Karolina. My ex is alive. Well, technically she's a clone. It's complicated. I haven't seen her since Christmas and I'm pretty sure she's in love with my clone."[/color] Karolina took in all that she was hearing. She would've been surprised, but they were dealing with time travel, aliens, deities, and genocidal robots just today alone. Not to mention the vampire they ran into. Clones were just another part of this crazy world they were part of. [color=ffec80]"Wow. I thought we were going through a lot. Are you okay, Caty?"[/color] [color=E137E3]"Yeah... This past year and a half has been the craziest time of my life. Before I was barely able to hold it together. But I stopped closing people out and I'm so glad you're here, Karolina. But are you okay? Your parents..."[/color] [color=ffec80]"Yeah... It was a lot to take in. Being an alien and finding out that my parents are evil and have been helping these guys gain power to destroy the world. But I've had my friends and I have you who understands how crazy all of this is. And as far as your ex and clone if she's anything like you I wouldn't be surprised if she fell for her. I fell for you in one hour."[/color] Caty blushed. [color=E137E3]"I'm grateful we can be here for each other. I really appreciate you and how patient you've been with me. I want this."[/color] This actually surprised Karolina. She was stuck in a trance that could only be broken by a kiss from Caty. She received just that realizing that this was all real. They continued to kiss until they fell asleep.