[center][h2][b][color=goldenrod][ Amuné [/color]and [color=rosybrown]Jareth ][/color][/b][/h2][/center][hr][hr] Amuné’s danger sense warned her a split second before the woman covered in knives -- Lady Blade, she figured -- dropped down in front of her, Jareth, and Austin. She had a combat knife in one hand, and a menacing grin on her face. Amuné didn’t bother looking at the other two heroes, instead moving forward with purpose, her hands open, her own stance ready. [color=goldenrod]“Back me up, you two.”[/color] Almost immediately the concrete floor beneath the two combatants started trembling, then rumbling, then really shaking as Jareth used his power to form a very localized quake. It only affected the very surface layer of the ground, but really that was all he needed. Amuné moved like a dancer on the shaking ground, her predictive sense allowing her to compensate for the motion almost before it happened. She also neatly dodged Lady Blade’s initial attacks -- one, two, three -- before venturing an attack of her own, a stiff-fingered jab that targetted a pressure point in the woman’s shoulder. Her opponent blocked, and Amuné smiled inwardly. In using her arm to deflect Amuné’s attack, the blade-wielding woman exposed herself to one of her opponent’s more useful skills. Unfortunately, the attack and the use of her power also left Amuné open to a counter, and Lady Blade scored a slice along the girl’s arm, eliciting a hiss of pain. [color=goldenrod]“Terra, feet!”[/color] That was all the warning Lady Blade would get, as with a loud CRACK the concrete directly beneath each of her two feet opened up. Jareth was trying to pin her feet to immobilize her. At the same time, Amuné backed off. But Lady Blade was too quick for Jareth’s trick to work on her. By the time the cracks closed enough to trap her feet, she’d already stepped away. [color=goldenrod]“Attention heroes,”[/color] Amuné said, quickly tapping her smartwatch to activate it. [color=goldenrod]“The primary target is not Hero Day events. It’s Hero One!”[/color]