The ritual was already in motion, and the members of the Pride stood around an ancient stone altar, chanting in unison. The sky above them crackled with dark energy. Alex motioned for the team to spread out, each member taking their position. Danny adjusted his new Webshooters. Nico's eyes narrowed as she spotted her mother, Tina Minoru, leading the ritual. With a nod to the others, she stepped forward, her Staff of One glowing brightly. [color=cc99ff]"Mom!"[/color] she shouted. Tina turned, her expression a mix of surprise and disdain. "Nico. I see you haven't learned your place." The two women began to circle each other, their magical auras clashing in the air. Nico was the first to strike, casting a spell that sent a wave of force toward her mother. Tina deflected it effortlessly, countering with a blast of dark energy that Nico barely dodged. Meanwhile, Chase had his own confrontation. His parents, Victor and Janet Stein, were waiting for him, their expressions unreadable. "Son," Victor said, his voice cold. "You've chosen the wrong side." Chase didn't hesitate. He activated his Fistigons and charged at them, firing off blasts of energy. Victor responded with a shield of light, protecting both himself and Janet. “You think you have a chnce against me with a mere prototype?” Victor taunted. The fight was fierce, with neither side willing to give an inch. Molly, Alex, and Cloak were engaged with other members of the Pride, each of them holding their own in the chaotic battle. But despite their efforts, the ritual continued, the energy in the air growing more intense by the second. Danny swung through the chaos, helping out where he could. He spotted Nico struggling against her mother and fired a web at Tina, pulling her off her feet. Nico took the opportunity to launch a powerful spell, but Tina recovered quickly, countering with a spell of her own. As the battle raged on, Danny kept a close eye on Chase, who was in a fierce fight with his parents. He could see the strain on Chase's face as he tried to keep up with their attacks using technology of their own. Danny knew he had to do something to help. Swinging through the battlefield, Danny landed behind Victor Stein, who was about to launch a blast at Chase. Without hesitation, Danny shot a web at Victor's hand, yanking it away and causing the blast to go wide. [color=00a99d]"Thanks, Spidey!"[/color] Chase shouted, seizing the opportunity to fire back. [color=pink]"No problem,"[/color] Danny replied. [color=pink]"Let's take them down together."[/color] Victor and Janet regrouped. "Two against two," Janet said, her voice dripping with contempt. "Let's see if you can handle it." Chase and Danny fought off the Steins together. Danny used his Spider-Sense and agility to dodge, while shooting webs at their devices to keep Chase safe. Meanwhile threw everything the Fistigons had at them. Then they heard it. A low, ominous rumble that seemed to come from the earth itself. The ground began to shake, and the sky darkened further as a massive portal began to open above the altar. The Gibborim, ancient and malevolent, were coming through. Alex shouted, [color=orange]"We need to stop the portal!"[/color] But it was too late. The Gibborim's began to emerge from the portal. The team was filled with dread. Despite their best efforts, the ritual had succeeded. Chase looked at Danny. [color=00a99d]"This isn't over. We'll find a way to stop them."[/color] Danny nodded, determination burning in his eyes. [color=pink]"Let's go save the world."[/color] With the Gibborim now fully present, the real battle was just beginning.