[center][color=96EACE][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/grey-magus-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210709/2a2dce1458bbe0a0c7c16fa79e4752ca.png[/img][/url][/color][/center] [hr] Joseph felt a sudden shiver run down his spine as he heard a voice saying his hero identity with something that almost sounded like... [i]respect. [b]Admiration[/b][/i] even... Naturally, this left him mildly horrified, since he was pretty sure half the heroes in the organization didn't even remember his name. Hell, half the heroes he'd [i]personally worked with[/i] even! Behind the sunglasses, his eyes darted around, and it didn't take long for someone who... [i]may[/i] have been the perpetrator, a younger-looking woman wearing glasses, who seemed to be blushing and staring at the ground. Now, Joseph may not have been a [i]smart[/i] man, but that was mighty suspicious... However, he put his weird social issues aside, as he listened in on the instructions for the [i]scavenger hunt? He[/i] didn't get a scavenger hunt for [i]his[/i] orientation day! He was almost about to ask Emily what was up with that, but fortunately, he was distracted by the sudden outburst from the mushroom man, shooting spores everywhere in anger at the fact that they were playing for plants. Before he could get involved, he watched as two of his fellow currently employed heroes spoke to the sapient leftover, Fallout either accidentally or intentionally antagonizing them, and Dahlia attempting to defuse the situation. Honestly, it'd be a pretty bad look if he just sat back and let them deal with the frustrated fungus on their own. No, it was his [i]duty as a hero[/i] to step in and assist his colleagues in this endeavour. [color=96EACE]"Yeah, c'mon bud, we're all the same side here, right? Let's try to calm down and get along..."[/color] He started. [color=96EACE]"'specially since the part you're angry about is [i]still[/i] wrong. Those are plants. You are a fungus. Completely different kingdoms. Also that's actually called a [i]pyramid,[/i] not a fortune cookie. I'll let that one slide, since I'm guessin' you're a little new to the big city..."[/color] Before giving the seething shrooman a chance to respond, he turned back to Emily. [color=96EACE]"So anyway yeah, while I'd personally have be absolutely thrilled to join, I think I'd better make the responsible choice and sit it out, since if I joined, it'd basically be cheati-"[/color] And then his ears pricked up, causing him to spin around to face the apple girl who'd called him homeless when he'd arrived. It seemed she was [i]challenging[/i] him... Intriguing... [color=96EACE]"Miss Apple Girl, if you think I would be baited into a challenge for just twelve dollars and eighty-seven cents... you're absolutely right, I'm in. Don't have Emily's number because she has [i]standards,[/i] but I can give ya [i]Powers'[/i] number no problem! If you [i]win,[/i] of course..."[/color] He turned back to the assistant director, pulled a coin covered in strange lines and markings from one of his jacket pockets, and casually tapped it to the pyramid she'd been holding. [center][i][color=96EACE]"l o r g c u i l"[/color][/i][/center] And then he withdrew it again, the lines starting to glow. Grinning, he flipped it into the air, only for it to hang there, suspended for a moment, before zipping off. [color=96EACE]"Alright, sorry Eva, Applegirl, but I've got twelve eighty-seven to win! Anyone not competing against me can come along too, but the money's mine, I need it for survival! The card too I guess... Anyway, see ya!"[/color] He said, before rushing off after the enchanted coin.