[center][h1][color=orange]Crane[/color][/h1] Savior Island[/center] [hr] Emily Duff, the Assistant Director, made the objective of the seminar clear. It would be a game! Crane loved games, though she didn't get to play them very often. Hide and Seek, Tag, Four Square...not really an option. But a scavenger hunt? Crane had participated in Easter before. It was difficult for her, and she had to be very careful with the eggs, but as long as she stayed low to the ground it was doable! Her height could give her an advantage sometimes, too, if the egg was in a place that would be obvious to her, only. Excited, she put her palms together and tapped her fingers together in a small clap. One thing that people might not expect is how quickly someone like Crane blends into the background of a conversation. Just like anyone else! If she sat there quietly and politely listened to everyone talk, it was like she wasn't even there. It was nice! The effect was only boosted because she wasn't even that strange anymore. Already she was enjoying her choice to come to the superhero capital of the world. There was a bit of disagreement about it, though, and she had to admit, she wished the loud girl hadn't challenged the older fellow to the game. [color=orange]"This isn't his orientation, but that coin seems as if it will let him find all the cookies very soon. Oh, my. I was looking forward to playing. Maybe next year!"[/color] She said with a small smile, that partially hid her disappointment. Due to Mire's complaint she had started calling them cookies. She let out a sigh, and then put her hands on her knees. Her smile widened. [color=orange]"But, it's not over yet! We might be able to find some, and I want to learn more about my new home. Maybe we can beat that coin, hmm?"[/color] She rose to her full thirty foot height again using nothing but her leg muscles. One might see where she got the name Crane from, as the motion was graceful and bird-like. She shielded her big eyes from the sun and looked around. [color=orange]"Ah!"[/color] She pointed out towards the water.[color=orange]"I see something unusual. I think I will get there first!"[/color] She said, and began to walk over to it. At a decent walking pace she was much faster than most people's full sprint. Even still her step was light. At the water's edge she dipped her toes in and felt for solid-ish ground, and began to wade out into the water to the platform. [color=orange]"I have done the scavenging! I am here."[/color] She declared. Forty feet was nothing to her! She grabbed the small platform with one hand to steady it, and then used her finger and thumb to oh so carefully pluck the pyramid from its place. Then she held it up against her ear. [color=orange]"Hello, little cookie. Do you have something to tell me?"[/color] She asked, muttering under her breathe.