[hider=K] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/c0/89/08/c089087584a1d1ade4e2e5205d13a471.jpg[/img] [hider=Theme][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFbf9V1ylAQ[/youtube][/hider][/center] [b][color=#7ddb7b]Name[/color]:[/b] Alcaeus Nikolaou [b][color=#7ddb7b]Nicknames[/color]:[/b] Caeus (kay-iss) or "K" [b][color=#7ddb7b]Age[/color]:[/b] 25 [b][color=#7ddb7b]Powers[/color]:[/b] [list][*]Spirit Photography - The ability to channel magic into lenses to see beings and forces otherwise invisible (or otherwise incomprehensible) to the naked eye. Works with just about any solid transparent material and allows for pictures to be taken of anything revealed. Requires a bit of manual tuning to focus on different aspects, though it allows Alcaeus to see ghosts without being blinded by high concentrations of ambient mana or vice versa. [*]Bullet Photography - The ability to capture active instances of magic using cameras, thereby erasing them. Works on spells in motion, including non-physical attacks of pokemon, digimon, demons and humans. Requires charging the camera for half a dozen seconds before each shot. Charge time for the next shot is halved if he captures the caster of a spell in the same photo as the spell. Not capable of stripping objects of enchantments or siphoning magic out of pokemon, digimon, demons, people, objects, or areas. Not capable of interrupting spellcasting. Can't actually erase a physical bullet. [*]Knows the following "spells": [list][*]Purify - Sends out a sparkling projectile that cures the target of any status ailment. If it successfully cures a status condition, Alcaeus heals himself. [*]Flatter - Causes unnatural confusion within the target by complimenting them. The sentiments of the compliment are magically understood regardless of language barriers. Also buffs the target's magical capabilities. Alcaeus insists the compliment is just a verbal component. [*]Swagger - Causes unnatural confusion within the target via dismissive gestures such as a scoff or bored sigh. The gesture can be verbal; if so, the sentiment is magically understood. Increases the target's physical attack.[/list] [*]Future spell learnset, listed in (loosely) planned order: [list][*]Tarunda - Lowers the target's attack for a while. [*]Dia - Small heal [*]Safeguard - Protects all allies from status conditions for a while. [*]Recarmdra - User dies. All allies who have died recently are revived. [*]Media - Small heal to all allies [*]Light Screen - Erects a wall of light to suppress magic damage for a while. [*]Reflect - Erects a wall of light to suppress physical damage for a while. [*]Diarama - Medium heal [*]Sukukaja - Increases the target's speed for a while. [*]Kouha - Small light damage [*]Dekunda - Removes all debuffs from all allies [*]Amrita Shower - Cures all allies of all ailments [*]Mediarama - Medium heal to all allies [*]Matarunda - Lowers the attack of all enemies for a while. [*]Boom Bubble - Fires a sphere of compressed air at a target. [*]Diarahan - Large heal [*]Hex - Ghostly attack that fires purple wisps at a target. Deals double damage if the target has a status ailment. [*]Recarm - Revives target with some HP. [*]Mediarahan - Large heal to all allies [*]Masukukaja - Increases the speed of all allies for a while. [*]Kouga - Medium light damage[/list][/list] This list is non-exhaustive but I intend to go through it slowly. I may or may not pick up speed as I get to the parts of the list that are just a matter of progression. [b][color=#7ddb7b]Weaknesses[/color]:[/b] Ice magic. In terms of SMT stats, low Strength and Vitality. [b][color=#7ddb7b]Bio[/color]:[/b] After graduating from the university of Hawai'i with a degree in theobiology and discovering his nascent magical potential while doing volunteer work throwing beached Pyukumuku back into the sea, Caeus decided to become a pokemon trainer. It seemed logical to do so at the time; It would look better on his resume compared to just being a lab assistant if he becomes an academic theobiologist, and he could use a pokemon companion for field work. To that end, the first thing Caeus did was to purchase a MAGAMI-brand Digivice, which came with a starter Digiegg, thinking it cheaper to catch a wild pokemon with its help rather than looking into pokemon breeding or even adoption fees. Considering his pickiness, maybe it would have been if he had gotten a less fancy digivice model, but he liked the digivolution management features and its ability to load abilities onto other digivolutions. Eventually the Digiegg hatched, and after caring for Nyokimon and later Monimon, it eventually digivolved into Monmon, and he was ready to capture a wild pokemon. The reason he was willing to wait so long, of course, was that he wasn't satisfied with the pokemon he could find around him. Even after digivolving into Monmon and visiting some hiking trails full of pokemon, nothing there caught his eye. Perhaps he was unfairly comparing them all to the adorable Pyukumuku he had been familiar with, but since he had learned to recreate their purify ability, and since both he and Pyukumuku were generally incapable of direct combat, he thought taking one along with him would lead to an imbalanced team. At the least, he got to take plenty of wildlife photos, some of which he managed to sell to a local magazine after it caught the eye of one of his friends. Eventually he made a habit out of doing that, and for a while that's all he did. It was during this time that he found that he had a somewhat unique affinity for camera lenses. It certainly didn't hurt to have as a photographer. It was during a visit to the uninhabited islands further down the archipelago that he had a chance encounter with the rainbow serpent of Australian mythology. Although perhaps far from home, it is, after all, the rainbow itself, and Hawai'i has plenty of those to go around. Moist air from the ocean loses temperature as it rises over mountains, generating rainclouds from the precipitation, causing Hawai'i's mountains to be some of the wettest places in the world. Hell, there's a rainbow on every license plate. It might as well be Yurlungur's home away from home. Although, since Yurlungur tends to avoid populated areas, Caeus had no way of knowing this. All he knew is that there was a cool-looking pool of rainbow water to take pictures of. Yurlungur isn't known to be a particularly wrathful deity, though like any sleeping snake, it's not exactly wise to disturb. What, you're going to find a glowing rainbow pool and not touch it? The stick he used to test it didn't disintegrate, so that means it's safe to touch, right? It's not like he drank it. No, it's none of your business if he was thinking about drinking it or not. "wHa'DdYa ThInK yA dOiN'!?" In awe at the beautiful serpent floating before him and the fact that, yes, it actually talks like that, all he could think to do was what he's been training to do for the past few months. He took a picture of it before it was too late. "EeHEEEEE!" With an annoyed screech, it attacked, and Monmon, still quite young and inexperienced, couldn't hope to defend him against Yurlungur. Bullet Photography, as useful as it was, took too long to charge up against repeated attacks, and he couldn't defend Monmon just by erasing bullets, much less defeat Yurlungur in the process. Caeus did manage to slow Yurlungur down; at first he tried to reason with it, which mainly didn't work, which turned into begging and flattery, which surprisingly did work, at least for a while. Eventually, however, Monmon was defeated, and, at least wanting to guarantee her safety, he tried to send her, along with the pictures of Yurlungur, over to the magazine publishers via email. Unfortunately, his digivice didn't seem to have that feature, but since the email was already written up in the heat of the moment, an idea came to him. He sent the images, then warned Yurlungur that, were he to be killed now, people would know that Yurlungur did it. Its multicolored faces would be all over the news, sensationalized as a violent deity, which in turn meant that it wouldn't know peace, whether because it was seen as a danger or because the news forced it to change its very nature. Yurlungur paused, then laughed, then called Caeus a "lItTlE rIpPeR". Upon asking for clarification, it said it was "fAiR dInKuM" and then asked why Caeus was "pOkIn' 'RoUnD mE bIlLaBoNg". Solely inferring from context, he explained that he was a photographer, and got into his line of work while looking for interesting species of pokemon to catch. Yurlungur then said an incomprehensible string of phrases that sounded vaguely insulting ("yA jUsT a DrOnGo FoLloWiNg FuRpHy FeR bLoOdY gAlAh!") before straightforwardly offering to come along with him. A wildlife photographer was perfect for boosting its reputation and literally showing off its colors. Plus, if Yurlungur followed him around a bit, Caeus wouldn't be able to spread any untoward rumors about it. It went much as Yurlungur planned, and it enjoyed some time in the limelight. Its relationship with Caeus also became known within the business. Although not exactly regarded as a combat savant, having a minor deity at his beck and call while also being a magician and a digimon tamer made him a relatively ideal candidate for investigative journalism regarding the situation over in Japan. He wasn't fluent, but his conversational Japanese was actually pretty usable, so after some time spent brushing up on it and training - during which, Monmon acquired its first Champion Digivolution - he set off. Maybe he'd have better luck looking for a pokemon over in Japan. [b][color=#7ddb7b]Team of Mons[/color]:[/b] [hider=Monmon] [img]https://wikimon.net/images/b/b8/Koemon.jpg[/img] Monmon Stage: Rookie Type: Beast Attribute: [url=https://oyster.ignimgs.com/mediawiki/apis.ign.com/digimon-story-cyber-sleuth/1/12/Digitypes-digimon-cyber-sleuth.jpg.png]Virus[/url] Techniques: [list][*]Swing Swing - Fire at the opponent's weak point with a slingshot. Greatly increased chance of crit. (Exclusive to Monmon) [*]Amazing Ring - Fires an ensnaring hoop at the opponent's legs. Chance to lower speed. [*]Wing Buster - Deals massive damage to bird enemies. (Loaded from Hookmon) [*]Bug Buster - Deals massive damage to bug enemies. (Loaded from Hookmon)[/list] Digivolutions: [img]https://wikimon.net/images/7/75/Hookmon.jpg[/img] Hookmon Stage: Champion Type: Mutant Attribute: Virus Techniques: [list][*]Wing Buster - Deals massive damage to bird enemies. [*]Bug Buster - Deals massive damage to bug enemies. [*]Big Shot - Fire a bullet that does "huge" damage. Increased chance of crit.[/list] Digivolution Lines/Future Digivolutions: Monmon → Hookmon → Armormon → Cannondramon Monmon → Revolmon → Giromon → Raidenmon Monmon → Angemon → Makuramon → Beelzemon [/hider] [hider=Yurlungur] [img]https://39yearslame.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/yurlungur.jpg?w=289&h=400[/img] Yurlungur Weaknesses and Resistances: Weak to Fire and Dark. Resists Electric, nulls Ice, drains Water. Statline: High Vitality. Above-average Agility and Luck. Low Strength and Magic. Knows the following skills: [list][*]Mahashibaboo - Chance of inflicting paralysis to all foes. [*]Brain Jack - Chance of inflicting brainwash to all foes. [*]Venom Breath - Chance of inflicting poison to all foes. [*]Samarecarm - Revives one ally with full HP. [*]Mediara - Medium heal to all allies [*]Aques - Medium water damage [*]Mabufula - Medium ice damage to all foes [*]Mazio - Light electric damage to all foes[/list] [/hider][/hider]