[center][h2]Kodran Kveldulfsson[/h2][/center] This world is so different then back home. His thoughts since becoming a Grey Warden and entering Weisshaupt Fortress a month ago. Traveling to the Anderfels from the Frostback Mountains was a long and eye-opening trip. There were so many people and cultures that he had never heard of and magic he had not seen. The different customs and beliefs are a sharp contrast to the life he lived with his people, the Avvars. But, like everything in the Frostbacks, change happens no matter what, and he has changed since coming to Weisshaupt Fortress a month ago and becoming a Grey Warden. Though while he would eagerly share some of his people's beliefs to educate others. Kodran knows that something that the Avvars do is considered backward but, more importantly, dangerous. So he has kept to himself since arriving and has talked somewhat to his fellow Grey Wardens but never really talked about his people or his past, even though his attire is a clear indicator of his tribal background before he was made to swap his clothes for Grey Warden mage attire. Normally, this sparks questions as to why a tribal is here, but with the Grey Wardens, Those questions are rarely asked. Still, Kodran has not been idle during his time here or most of his time. He has been with the Warden mages and their experiments with the Blight, and he is happy with their progress with plant life. Once they figured out how to cleanse plant life from the Blight, then it would only be a matter of time before animals and even people could be cured of the Blight. Maybe he could see those Blight Lands back in the Korcari Wilds purified and alive again. Though he tried not to be a nuisance and get in their way but he still asked questions about their research. Some of them would surprised by how much an Avvar knows about the Blight. Those Orlesian books came in handy, and Kodran was eager to learn more about their research. But after a time, he realized that he should go and bother someone else, and so he left and explored the fortress. During which he would again think about how alone he was. While yes, he was a Grey Warden with other Wardens at their headquarters at Weisshaupt Fortress. Kodran was the only Avvar Warden, and it showed. There was no one like him at Weisshaupt, and he was hesitant to talk to others because of maybe saying something about Avvar culture that would cause a situation. Especially anything related to his knowledge of spirits and how he was taught about magic. That kept him alone for the most part, barring some talk he had with mages and other Wardens. But, the stuff he heard, on the other hand, did interest him. The most interesting part was the talk about who was going to take control of the Anderfels now that the last king was dead. Kodran knew that diplomats from other nations were here to discuss the issue. Since he was only a Warden for a month, he did not try to guess who would be the new ruler of these lands. That and politics were not for him, and he is inexperienced when it comes to matters like this. Things in the Frostback Mountains were clearer to him than how the rest of the world handled their affairs. Now, he finds himself in the courtyard as other Wardens were gathering there to hear what High Constable was going to say. Kodran does not know what they may say, but even though he is still new to the Wardens. He will do what is needed for them to succeed and to realize his dream of those lands blighted by the Darkspawn being purified. Whatever it takes, he thought, whatever it takes.