[center] [img]https://imgur.com/IYihMs5.png[/img] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjg4LjdhYmJmZi5UR0Y1YkdFZ1NIbGhZMmx1ZEdoMWN3LjA/sabrina-destiny.regular.webp[/img][/center] [color=gray][i]The House on the Hill[/i][/color] [@AtomicEmperor] [hr] [quote=Leon][color=C67C12]"You're... Gonna end it then? No more magic for Layla? I mean... You're not so far into your oaths that you can't back out, as far as I'm concerned. If it's become too much for you, and you think you can't go on, then... I'm sure it's best for everyone then. So Void Heart stays sealed too, and we can all move on. But, this will be a sad thing for Her Grace to hear. I believe she would expect me to try changing your mind: But, I don't think it's right to keep you... Not when you're so hurt, Layla. So, I'll take it for you. Her sadness, her anguish. Don't worry, okay? I only ask that I be with you when you're sealed, so I can know for certain that you're kept safe."[/color][/quote] Layla watched Leon’s face very closely as he spoke, refusing to jump the gun and interrupt him. That would be rude, after all. Pained sympathy mixed with veiled excitement, and the desire for a sarcastic eye roll. [color=7ABBFF][b]“I’d never go back on my word, Leon. You’ll like what I have planned, then. It’s not as dire as you think. I’m merely, uh…”[/b][/color] She gestured with her free hand, trying to find the words. [color=7ABBFF][b]“[i]switching my poisons[/i].”[/b][/color] She vehemently shook her head, [color=7ABBFF][b]“My eyes are still affixed to Void, I wouldn’t do anything to jeoperdize that. But I can’t have more than one apparition adjioned to me, right?”[/b][/color] She gestured to her heart. [color=7ABBFF][b]“I’m… clearing the slate. Cutting out the weeds to make way for the crown. Sealing the two ghosts I have remaining, and having one un-adjoined, in ways I can still use them, [i]safely[/i]. Maybe stuffing them in a necklace, or a broach. Skin contact, so I can still use their powers.”[/b][/color] Layla took a breath, squeezing Leon’s hand. [color=7ABBFF][b]“I’m trying to prepare as best as I can so I can be worthy of Void… coming back… That means being able to focus all my attention on him, when Her Grace deems me ready.”[/b][/color] A pang of worry rippled through her heart, something that she was certain appeared for a moment on her face. [color=7ABBFF][b]“I… I need this, Leon. I need Void.”[/b][/color] She searched his gaze, hoping he wasn’t closing the doors on her. [color=7ABBFF][b]“I can still be useful…”[/b][/color] She pursed her lips. [color=7ABBFF][b]"The Temple and its needs are in the forefront of my mind. They've already helped me so much... This is the best course of action I can think of."[/b][/color]