[h1]Pride, Prejudice, and Centipedes[/h1] [h3]Stairside[/h3] By the steep wall of the Great Stairs, where the Entry Hall opens up on the Short Hallway, there's a merry little village known as Stairside. A series of ranches and farms run parallel to the stairs here, represented in an articulated system of tall houses, stables, and paddocks. The town has grown over the years, and in the peace following the Household War has experienced a marked self sufficiency. Mice clamber about in pens; one gnaws upon a post only to receive a stern shout from the nearby Boggart man, bent-backed and sweaty already in the soft morning light, as he sweeps the heavy dust of the region from before his squat home. Following the avenue into the city of Stairside, the road passes by a hotel, a hunter den clamoring in preparation for the lengthy foot voyage up the Great Stair, and a caravan coming up the Short Hallway from the Basement of Sluagh. The Sluagh, in their tall turbans and dust-whipped garb, unload crate after crate of good onto the open ground of the Stairside market, under the jealous and suspicious eye of the native Boggart farmers as they open their morning stalls for the market as well as the inquisitory and ever-invasive gaze of a relaxed squad of Fairy Soldiers bearing the armor and coats of the Great Imperial Army as they adopt casual patrols through the area. Life in Stairside was awakening to this morning, but somewhere in the town a cry goes afoul and a spark approaches the powdered keg... [h3]The Blue Rat Inn[/h3] This is where our Littles find themselves on this fine morning; their reasons are their own, of course, but our intrepid adventurers find themselves at a table together by quirk of fate and the will of the Forces, after they awake in the morning and emerge from their rooms. The main hall is a warm room here in the Blue Rat. A dozen Littles of all types mingle and discuss quiet news over their breakfasts, with Old Abbott, the innkeeper, manning the bark and cleaning glasses with a meticulous and orderly dedication. The aged Boggart was thick of beard, though it had gone grey by now, and bald of head as he converses with patrons who seek his charms. Every few minutes a young woman with thick, curly, hair tightly bound into a ponytail with string comes bustling out of the back kitchens with a tray laden with drinks and foods; on this morning, she hastily deposits mugs of water before Your Littles before taking initial drink requests and disappearing into the back once more. This is Elizabeth, Old Abbott's grand daughter and chief help here at the Blue Rat. [b]Go ahead and describe their morning routine, or otherwise how your Little finds themselves at breakfast on this morning. Decide if this is your Little's first time meeting and the circumstances of their relationship, and engage in roleplay for the time being. Additionally, if this is not your first stay in the Blue Rat, feel free to detail how your character feels about Old Abbott or Elizabeth as well as if they are on friendly terms.[/b]