[center][h1][b][color=violet]Clarissa Ryte[/color][/b][/h1] [i]Stellar Toy Company, Industrial District, Byjerfal City (Urban Exploration)[/i][/center] [quote]Clarissa’s pokedex started buzzing loudly before there was a loud crackle noise heard from it. Rotom still getting cozy in the device, perhaps.[/quote] ...There was [i]something[/i] here in this room. She could tell it, Chloe's Snubull could seemingly tell it for sure, and as she followed behind Jill heading into the room it seemed Chloe couldn't much read the room herself. Even perhaps the Rotom getting adjusted to its cozy little corner inside of her Pokedex seemed to react. Well, or maybe it really [i]was[/i] just getting adjusted with the whole buzzing and crackling. Could also be a warning of sorts too. Yet it all seemed to her to be more than just the creepy atmosphere of the factory, and more than the 'background noise' her powers had first picked up on after heading into the building, even, as if some grudge or something was lingering palpably in the air to the psychic's senses. The cool in the air spoke to some kind of [i]ghostly[/i] presence to boot. Looking over at the person she'd come to try to help, Clarissa could see Chloe holding a Pikachu plush from a fallen box of them that seemed to be lying on the floor. Yet something felt 'wrong' about the plush at the same time. For one thing, the eyes were an abnormal [u]red[/u], and seemed like-....oh. Oooooh no that wasn't a good sign. [quote][color=pink]"Jill! Jill, come look, we found plushies! Take one! Do you think Clarissa would like one too? Oh— hey, speaking of!" "Jill! Jill, come look, we found plushies! Take one! Do you think Clarissa would like one too? Oh— hey, speaking of!"[/color] [/quote] [color=violet]"Chloe, Jill, something's wrong with those Pikachu plushies. Or....is maybe looking at us through them?"[/color] For once, a mild sense of worry was in Clarissa's tone of voice, it seemed, despite her efforts to maintain a stoic expression and front for her part. Her hand even came down to the Pokeball of her new Murkrow as her other hand shielded her Rotom-inhabited Pokedex somewhat protectively without a second thought as well. Sir Lopsalot was just a normal type....he didn't have any moves yet that could touch a ghost type still. Sir Lopsalot, for his part though, would almost immediately leap off of his trainer's shoulder after entering the room and would get on the floor near Clarissa and Jill's feet as he now too tried to use his ears and little nose to help sniff out the danger. It didn't even take the Buneary a moment to feel the chill and 'wrong' in the air like his Pokemon peer did, and much like Snubbull's trainer seemingly hadn't, and he was already in action without a second thought to the matter. He was an alert little thing for certain, but this was certainly different than the Rotom situation. Or the Murkrow he'd sucker punched in the windowsill earlier for that matter. Or the Aaron he'd punched back at the bar earlier in that first actually kinda thrilling Pokemon battle really. Er, all to say that he got the point indeed! Yes. Not that thoughts of punching more future opponents wasn't somewhere in the far back of his mind still regardless... [@Vertigo][@Rune_Alchemist][@XxFellsingxX][@Savo]