[center][h1][b][color=9370DB]Nyana/Hikari[/color][/b][/h1] [h3][i]Metal Bird Nest - ??? Tower - ??? — ??? Forest[/i][/h3][/center] These were some...well, big babies to be sure. Big, metal-clad, baby chicks who seemed so very confused about her presence for the moment being. Well, perhaps being a metal thing dropped in a nest with metal birds was that strange to them from the other side of the situation. Maybe. As cute as it seemed to part of her mind, though, the knight had let herself rest a bit on her fly over and felt that this was perhaps a moment to try to [u]not[/u] die or to become bird food. Maybe. Not that she should give her opinion on tall chicks at the moment either, that was a whole other matter than this in all seriousness, but Nyana felt she got the gist of things. She was definitely here to be baby food. The babies she was to feed were confused looking to say the least. She was in some high nest at some sort of elevation in the first place because 'duh its a bird nest' and also the nest was made with [b]whole trees[/b] for that matter. Indeed, the slime knightess would stand up as quickly as she could, sword in one hand and shield in the other, and quickly begin backing up and scooting carefully toward the edge of the nest while trying to adopt a defensive sort of battle stance. Shield was ready to pop up, sword was ready to pop up, and her senses were peeled on the baby chicks and such around her. She'd keep her back to the edge of the nest, hoping to make progress before the chicks got too much of a clue, with the intent of making it to the edge of the nest and [i]diving off the edge into any denser tree or ruin or other cover she could. Anything, in the case Nyana hoped she'd actually manage to not move too fast and could properly get to the edge of the nest and out of it, that would keep her from getting bird-napped and brought back up....[i]again[/i]. That was the way some famous hero at the start of an adventure in the stories she'd read back on Earth would do it, right? Or at least it felt intuitive enough to take up this particular plan of action without pausing to wait and dawdle about it. No more of that. Thinking clearly? Sure. But being made of sapient blue jello, perhaps she could take a tall and high-level fall well enough. Especially if she aimed for some decent cover by the time she actually dove out of the nest, though it wasn't as if she'd have much time to choose either. Hmm. But not hurting the babies on the offensive so far would maybe not anger their mother? Ah, if that could be helped that it. Worst case, maybe jam a sword into the baby's mouth and try to poke around in the soft bits while trying to swell her arm up in size or something to make it gasp and let go of her out of panic or something? Sure, that was something to try if that happened potentially. Could anger the mother, though, and that would not be a good thing. Hmm. Were the others going to try to come find her though? Or was she going to be left alone to this? For now, it seemed the latter was her answer as she tried to navigate a way out of the situation she was in on her own two feet. [@PKMNB0Y]