[center][h2][color=#00ff66]Jase the Assassin (Mosslit Crew)[/color][/h2] [h3] ??? — ??? Forest[/h3][/center] [hr] Jase stuffed some fallen sticks and twigs into his jerkin as he eyed the slope. The climb up looked worse than the climb down, but they needed elevation. "Our best bet is to look for something metal reflecting the light," Jase said, starting to climb. "It's either going to be the knight's polished armor, or that bird." That it carried the knight away was not a good sign, it wasn't likely the knight was Taarna and the bird her new flying mount come to collect her. If it was like any other bird, it was bringing food home to the nest. He slid a few times, but managed to make it up to the top of the hill to the cave entrance before sunset. "Look around! See if something bright is reflecting the sunlight!" Maybe he could improvise a compass with what they had in the chest, but they needed a bearing. Or bait. [hr] [@Crusader Lord][@Thunder999999][@Crimson Paladin]