[center][h1][color=FF8C00][b]Freakshow[/b][/color][/h1][/center] [quote=Ms Duff]"Hey there! Luna, right? I didn't have you listed down here, for whatever reason, but you're welcome to participate."[/quote] Luna waved back with one hand casually in return. Yet as she walked up to the group the ex-ganger could almost feel the eyes of a certain 'Alchemist' on her, even if breifly at least, but it seemed no one else was going to acknowledge her presence. Not that they even had to, really, and she was almost glad in part that no one much paid her mind. A sad thing to think, perhaps, but the white-haired younger woman mostly wanted to talk to Ms Duff for the most part. Well, at least that was the intent. Stray taking up a bet over almost thirteen dollars spoke volumes as he seemed to tap the little pyramid object Ms Duff was holding and zoomed off like a homeless warlock on the prowl, and Rupa wanting phone numbers felt a bit strange even if that stutter when talking about Ms Duff's number was a bit telling. Heh. Even so, some seemingly weren't going to just 'give up' either despite the ill-gain-aims of the older man. [quote=Big Cinnamon Roll (Crane)]"But, it's not over yet! We might be able to find some, and I want to learn more about my new home. Maybe we can beat that coin, hmm?"[/quote] That one's codename was 'Crane', yes? Yes. Being a giant girl was a hard powerset to mis-identify in the practical sense, Luna supposed, though she couldn't help but crack a small smile at the giant girl's enthusiasm. But...the smile would quietly disappear once more as the thought of being the same age as her came to mind. The same age. Hell, the other girl seemed like she should have time to enjoy life or something before this. Go to college or get a job or-...ah. Yeah, techincally she had gotten a job. Plus she was 'old enough', Luna surmised, to at least speak and do for herself. Nor was she one of the 'little kids' they had on staff as determined by her own metric and the whole pouring over the files where she could thing. She had to hold back on that sort of 'too young for this' thinking, even if just a bit. Even the therapist had reccomended that a little bit. These kids wanted to help people and do good things, right? Wanted to make the world better? Make their home better? Good. Sure as hell beat her own childhood decisions and influences by a million miles. Got some learning in, even, to help them out in this area of things if that Lighthouse school she'd heard of and been told about was of any indication. Well, she could certainly get down with some pizza at the very least. Like hell if eating Mama Li's food or such had even made her gain weight back then. Powers were the reason, maybe? Calorie burning from using her power? Healing factor? Eh, she didn't know for sure. Besides, she wasn't going to be the next person in line to lecture the walking shrooms. They could speak for themselves, even if the pessimism was both a bit irritating to hear and understandable as she tried to think on its response a little. Then again... [color=FF8C00]"Eh, I'd say you could think of this activity as gettin' the 'lay of the land' and the environment of the city to better navigate and know its ins and outs as you search for those things. Just like any young plant or animal has to get acclimated to wherever it ends up living, knowing where food or water or stuff is to stay alive. Plus understandin' the layout and environment of this city helps you know what you're doin' when going out to help people. So I'd reckon that this activity is to get ya' better acclimated to the layout of this place and a little history lesson too, among other things like Eva there mentioned. But that's just my take, so, eh, take it or leave it as you want."[/color] That was all she'd bother with saying to the sapient Leftovers before giving a small shoulder-shrug, having spoken to them in a casual manner without regards for what it was or the like. All she'd given was a thought about the situation in a practical sense, though, and Mire could take or leave it or angrily spore on the ground as they so wished. Might need to get a broom if it was the latter though. Or they could go eat street pizza or such from trash can. Hell, she could eat some serious enough crap if she got desperate enough due to her power and its capabilities to alter and tweak her biology. Just...yeah, perhaps it would be best if no one else ever asked her how or why she learned that....and why it netted her fifty bucks and made some of her peers throw up and never ask her to do that again. Moving on, however, the white-haired girl would look over at Ms Duff once more as her hands came to rest unthinkingly in her jean pockets. [color=FF8C00]"Well, I'd figure I'm not listed for this since I'm more familiar with this city than some maybe. Grew up in tha' Brookside and Watervale parts. Or, well, maybe some other reason outside of that that might be in my file or somethin'. But I wanted to at least check in and see if you heard anything else from Powers, or really if you needed help somewhere with this activity of yours or stoppin' the big man child from ruinin' things or havin' spares for this who need a partner or such. Not much for the whole hero celebrating schtick' myself at this point in time, really, but....I also came to ya' because I can't shake the feelin' somethin' bad's going to happen today with this whole 'HERO Fest' thing. Gut feeling is just kickin' me hard today about that for some reason."[/color] Whether it was not feeling like going to the celebrations, or perhaps being worth it to hang around actual heroes as she was, or even just her gut instincts kicking in for one reason or another about the day's events, she didn't want to sit idle on it in any case. Better to get up and do something, at least, even if that bed of hers had been a perfect hovel to hide away in on a good day off for another hour or two. [@Zoey Boey][@Hitman][@baraquiel][@Blizz]