[center] [img] https://i.ibb.co/z6KmDsm/arachne.png [/img] [/center] [hr] The Caster laid her eyes to whoever was speaking at the given moment watching the discussion that might hr life in a single moment. She also patiently waited for her master to give her directives but it appears that she’s willing to leave everything to her. [quote] His gaze growing firmer, he spelled out what he wanted in exchange for putting in a good word for the Servant, "Help us confirm if that accident was completely accidental, and that ought to be proof that you're genuine about your intentions. Is that good enough?" [/quote] [b][color=ec008c]“Of course I can help with that, an alliance is a two way street after all.”[/color][/b] The Caster spoke as she began to call for her familiars, while her reach to them are quite expansive, they are at the end of the day just normal spiders and there is only much she could do in one place. [quote] "I have to confess, it hardly feels sporting to the rest of the Grail War to have a collective such as this. But I suppose I ought not to prioritize my battle lust if there is a danger of corruptive forces at play. I've no objections on principle alone to you joining, I suppose. But I'm not so clueless as to join hands with a total stranger." [/quote] [color=ec008c]“Everyone here is a stranger a few minutes ago, I just arrived late!”[/color] she pointed out before the barbarian princess asked her to send her spiders as scouts. “But I see your point, not everyone wears their heart on their sleeves. She recalled how Athena tried to challenge, did she really need to guise herself as an old crone first. She’s THE goddess, just barged in if she had problems with her. [color=ec008c]“I already did, it will take time before they reach however.”[/color] she answered dismissively. [quote] She then continued, "Also, there is one question I wish to ask of you. A vital one, if we were indeed about to work together. Suppose the Grail was indeed corrupted, and there was no way to cleanse it of its corruption. What would you do with it? [/quote] The Caster gave her question genuine thought, she deserves that at the very least. And not because she didn’t know how her perception works. “What I truly wish was to live in this world once again, I can accept living as a servant if that’s what was necessary.” she started. [color=ec008c][b]“Which means I would eventually need my own source of mana, the Holy Grail was not the only way to achieve that to be honest.” [/b][/color] She then walks at the building’s ledge, clearly not bothered that a misstep can cause her to fall. [color=ec008c][b]“It would be a lie to say that I won’t be tempted to use it regardless but I believe that I would find an alternative by the time we reached the Grail.”[/b][/color] she concluded. She is the world’s greatest weaver after all, if the Holy Grail won’t solve her problems, she will weave her way out of it then, [color=ec008c][b]“What about the three of you, what do you wish for the Grail? What goals do you esteemed warriors fight for?”[/b][/color] she asked the three servants in the room. [color=ec008c][b]“On the chance that it wasn’t corrupted.” [/b][/color] After all she’s not the only person who should spill her own story and if she pegged the three of them right, they will oblige her question.