[@RogueFox] Here's my Application: Name: Szef. Gender: Male. Age: 32. Race: Vipegoggler. Power Level: 1113. Special Techniques: Plasma Scythe: Channels energy into the Arm, hyperleatheling it to a visible green plasma(ki) that eradicates and purges contact. Venomsurge: Green honed Ki-Blast. Can be liberated power or overkilled like the Galick Guns|Kamehameha's do. Venomnought: Green Ki-Blasts controlled that merge, if wanted, to better blasts. Usually the barrage is sufficient without merging ki-blasts. Gear: Red Scouter, that Bardock type of Armor but Purple where Black, and sure I'll use the enforcer gauntlet blaster. Appearance: Lean-muscular Brown Straight-Spotted Viperoid; The Head's Eyes have Viper Slit Irises not circular, with two Fangs protruding on the outside of the Snout, ample Fangs within too. Torso has Arms and those have Hands with 3 Scaled Fingers each. The Belly Scales shape the Torso. And a Tail not Legs. Hieght is 6"9. Personality: Tactical, crude, but foreshadowy not primeval, so it's acceptable. Backstory: I was a Space Mercenary whose Agency Frieza's elite killed. I was stealing a stardrive in a Ship Hangar when I saw those that didnt join die like marauders. I asked to join. When? A year before Planet Vegeta was eliminated.